Chapter Twenty-One, Lovers at Heart

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Chapter Twenty-One

TREAT HAD TO get away from Amanda. She was clingy and vile, offering to do all sorts of dirty things to him and refusing to accept his gentlemanly denials. She was so persistent that he half expected to hear, All that for a cool five hundred dollars. He was on the verge of telling her flat out, I will not sleep with you—ever. He’d never had to go that far before. Then again, he’d never been so in love with one woman that he’d turn down another.

Max. He had to find her. Even the thought of Max seeing him with Amanda standing this close to him turned his stomach. His only hope was that it really hadn’t been Max, and that she was safe at home in Colorado.

“I’ll tell you what,” Amanda said as she guzzled another beer. “If you’ll take a walk with me—one walk.” She leaned in closer, her breath warming his ear, and whispered, “I promise you, I’ll rock your world. I’ll be your treat.”

Treat closed his eyes against his boiling anger. It would be so easy to take her—down the beach, at his bungalow, where didn’t matter. He could have a string of nameless, faceless women if he wanted them. That part of my life is over, and I’m never going back to it. Not now that he knew what it was like to feel more than lust, to look into someone’s eyes and want so much more than sexual gratification. To want a lifetime of smiles and handholding, breakfasts, and yes, saucy, sumptuous, scorching hot nights of making love. When he opened his eyes, his decision was easy. Enough was enough. He spotted Chuck and Bonnie by the dunes.

“Excuse me,” he said.

“Chuck, I had a great time. Thank you for the invitation, but I really have to run. I’m still catching up on my sleep.”

Chuck winked. “Taking Amanda with you?”

“No and, Bonnie, you know I think the world of you, but I’d never give a woman like that a second thought. I’m sorry, but she’s a bit aggressive.”

Bonnie flushed. “I know. I’m sorry. I guess I thought that a guy like you was used to women throwing themselves at him and that she’d just fit right in.”

It surprised him that she would think of him like that, or rather, that she’d think he might act on it if they had. “Yes, but have you ever seen me with any women since you’ve known me?”

“Well, no,” she admitted.

He put his hand on her shoulder and kissed her cheek. “Then please don’t underestimate me.” He patted Chuck on the arm. “Thanks, buddy. We’ll catch up soon.”

“Are you leaving town again?” Chuck asked.

“Thinking about a trip to Colorado.” Treat headed down the beach toward Smitty’s bonfire, thinking about Max. If it hadn’t been her on that shuttle, then he’d make damn sure that if she’d give him another chance, he’d never be in a situation where his actions could be misconstrued again. Hell, he never wanted to be away from her again.


Treat stopped in his tracks, reminding himself not to lose his cool, as Amanda ran to his side. Up ahead, Vicky was heading toward the parking lot. She plopped herself down next to someone who had her knees pulled up to her chest and her head buried in her arms. Is everyone having a shitty night?

Amanda touched his shoulder. “I didn’t get to give you a kiss goodbye.” She leaned in as he pulled back, catching sight of Vicky helping someone to her feet. Max. In the split second she looked over, Amanda planted a kiss right on his cheek—and Max ran up the ramp.

“Max, wait!” Vicky yelled.

Max. Max! “Max!” he yelled.

“Treat!” Amanda ran after him.

Lovers at Heart (The Bradens, Book One: Love in Bloom Series)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora