Chapter Twenty-Eight, Lovers at Heart

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

TREAT’S ARM FELL on an empty sheet. He opened his eyes and listened for Max. The house was too silent. He went to the window and looked down on the empty deck, then went into the bathroom, wondering if she’d gone for a walk. As he took the toothpaste from the basket beside the sink, he realized her things were gone.

“Max?” he called into the empty house. He ran down the stairs, his heart thundering in his chest. He tried to deny the wrenching in his gut. She can’t be gone. She wouldn’t do that to me—to us. He tore open the door and raced to the empty spot in the driveway where her car had been.

“No!” he yelled into the crisp morning air.

Treat stumbled back into the house. She can’t be gone.

He reached for his phone, and a handwritten note stopped his heart. He picked it up with a trembling hand.

Dear Treat,

When I read your letters back at my apartment, I knew how much you loved me, and how much I loved you became crystal clear. Being here with you these past few days has only solidified that in my heart and in my mind. But I’ve been where we are now, where one person has to give up something big to make the relationship work, and in the end, the very love that drives people together can turn to resentment. Once the honeymoon stage runs out and real life comes in with deadlines and pressures and late nights when all you want to do is be left alone, you can’t help but lose the feelings that drove you together. And then the resentment creeps in.

I didn’t mean to listen to you on the phone, but I overheard you saying you were giving up acquisitions—the very thing that gets your juices flowing. I can’t be the one to cause that, and I’m not sure I can travel the world like you do. I like to travel, and I love you, but not having a home and moving around so much would make my need for organization go overboard. And I’m sure it would eventually drive you crazy.

I love you, Treat, but I can’t let our very different lives tear apart what we have. If I leave now, we’ll always have these past few days. It won’t be enough, and I know that, but it’s better than waking up one day as strangers who feel trapped in a relationship. I can’t go through that again. I’m sorry, but I guess I’m still too weak—even with your love giving me strength.

There’s more, and I never thought I’d admit it to anyone, but I may never love anyone the way I love you, so I will share it with you now. Someone once told me that you can’t have an honest, happy relationship with a partner until you have an honest, happy relationship with yourself. There are still a few demons lurking in my head, and I think I have to deal with them before I can be a fair partner to anyone, especially you. You deserve so much more.

I know how much you want Thailand. You deserve it, Treat. Go. Do what you are so very good at and what you love. I’ll always love you, and I know you’ll always love me.

My heart will always belong to you, but please don’t follow me. Let us go so you can thrive.

Your sweetness at heart, Max


The lump in his throat didn’t change the anger that roared in his chest.

“No.” He slammed the letter on the table. “No. I’m not losing you again.” His phone rang and he snagged it from the table without looking at the number.


“Uh, no. It’s Savannah.”

“Sorry.” Treat’s mind was reeling. He had to call Max and talk her out of what was sure to be the biggest mistake of their lives.

Lovers at Heart (The Bradens, Book One: Love in Bloom Series)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ