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[ october 16th, 1976 ]

"Tavia, could you please come and help me?"

The sixteen year old girl rolled her eyes but made her way up to her friend anyway. Sirius was sitting by the fire in the Gryffindor common room, keeping himself warm. His work was sprawled across the floor messily, representing the care and effort he places into his study.

"Since when do you do homework, Sirius?" Octavia asked teasingly, a smug look on her pretty face. She sat herself down besides the frustrated boy and took the piece of paper he was focusing on out of his hands.

"Since Professor Slughorn threatened to give me a month of detention if I 'forget' to bring my homework to class again." Sirius grumbled, shoving a hand through his long, black hair.

Octavia's eyes quickly skimmed across the paper as she read the question. Within seconds, she started scribbling the answer down for him in the blank space provided. "You need; lacewing flies, leeches, powdered bicorn horn, knotgrass, pluxweed (picked at full moon), shredded boomslang skin and a bit of the person one wants to turn into (eg. hair)."

Sirius looked at the bright witch with wide eyes as if she were the smartest person he's ever seen before. Well, apart from Remus. "It's not hard, you know, we learnt it last week."

"Padfoot, Wormtail, we have Herbololgy! Hurry up, it started like ten minutes ago." James called out to his mates. With that, everyone but Remus and Octavia ran out of the door. Octavia got up from where she was helping Sirius and sat next to Remus on the couch.

"How are you feeling, Moony?" She asked him. Remus looked quite pale, but she wouldn't expect any less with only three days until the full moon.

"Not bad, I've been worse." He shrugged his shoulders, trying to play it off. "A lot worse, actually. Looking back to when I was younger, I can't comprehend how I survived those nights without you guys being there to help me through it."

"Even with a dog, a rat, a stag and a fox I will never understand how you do it. You're honestly the toughest person I know." Remus locked eyes with Octavia, a small blush spreading across his cheeks. He was very modest, especially when it came to anything wolf-related.

"Remember when you first found out I was a werewolf?" He chuckled, his adam's apple bobbing slightly. The girl laughed with him, remembering the moment that built the strong relationship they both cherished.

► ▷

"Remus, can I talk to you?" Octavia asked him, refusing to look at the boys. The three others stood their looking at her, waiting for her to continue. "Alone." She clarified.

James, Sirius and Peter shuffled out of the common room and up to their dormitory. "Is everything okay, Tavia?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing." She started, not knowing how to tell the poor boy that she knew what he transformed into every night on a full moon. She thought being straight forward was the best option for the both of them, just putting it out in the open as quick as possible. She double checked that no one was around before saying, "You know, after the full moon?"

Remus paled in almost two seconds and she could see him becoming super flustered and shaky. He had never been so scared in his life. The boys knowing was bad enough, he didn't need his last best friend knowing his secret. "H-how do you, um, know?"

pure ; james potter [marauders era]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara