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[ october 19th, 1976 ]

"Well, well, look who we have here. The boy who tried to drown my girl."

Octavia was so shocked from hearing that accusation that the fact that James Potter had called her 'his girl' didn't even process in her mind. Before Octavia could turn around to see the person James was accusing, she heard the familiar voice of Severus. "Leave me alone, Potter. I would never try and drown one of my best friends."

"I saw you push her in, Snivellus." James defended the girl he fancied. He didn't believe one second of Severus' lies, he saw it with his own eyes.

All the Marauders were furious, and they all instantly took there stance beside their mate. They all (besides Remus) had their arms crossed and wore a smug look on their face, but Remus was still there. Octavia was getting furious too, but for a completely different reason to her friends. "James, leave Severus alone."

James knew she couldn't remember bits and pieces of what happened, but he was still astonished that she defended him. She could have died! James ignored her. She didn't have a say in this if she couldn't remember. James' hand sneakily started running down his side, ready to grasp his wand. Not only did Octavia see this, but Severus did too. Severus' eyes widened instantly and he went to grab his wand. Before the boy could defend himself, James yelled "Expelliarmus!"

Severus was disarmed and despite Octavia's constant pleas for the boys to stop, they continued to ignore her. They had to keep going. They had to defend their best friend. "Good one, James." Sirius laughed, taunting the innocent Slytherin boy.

By now, a small crowd of people had gathered around the scene, laughing and gossiping to each other. People from every house and year watched on with wide eyes, as if this was something to look forward to. "Wingardium leviosa!" James called out, and lifted Severus into the air.

With no wand and no friends in the area, excluding Octavia, Severus was rendered helpless. For the first time, the boy felt his eyes start to well up. Of course, everyone was a safe distance away from him, so nobody could see the tears.

Octavia's throat was tightening up from second-hand embarrassment, and her eyes turned fluorescent blue. With everyone's attention on the boy hanging upside-down, no one noticed her abnormal eye color. "For Merlin's sake, Potter!" She screamed, rushing over to him, "Put him down! It was the bloody mermaid that pulled me in."

"Step back, Knight." James growled as Sirius grabbed her arm and pulled her two steps back. He didn't want to hurt her, but it was for her own good.

"Now," James smirked wickedly, "Who wants to see me take off Snivey's trousers?"

Octavia's heart broke when the crowd started cheering James on. She felt so horrible, and she could only imagine what Severus was feeling. Octavia loved James, but moments like this broke her heart. Strand by strand, slowly, her hair was turning blue. "Expelliarmus!" She screamed, aiming her wand towards James. His wand flew out of his hand and across the yard. "It's over! Leave him alone."

The Marauders couldn't believe what was happening. She was defending Snivellus? After what he did? But Octavia was his friend, how was she expected to just stand in the crowd and watch these horrible things happen to him?

As Severus was squirming against the invisible bond James placed on him, he could feel himself getting more and more anxious. And with him, anxiety turned into frustration, which then turned into anger. He was fuming, and even though he didn't mean it, he yelled something he thought he never would. "I don't need your help, you filthy blood-traitor!"

pure ; james potter [marauders era]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα