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[ october 21st, 1976 ]

It was time for the Slug Club dinner and Octavia was dressing herself up in her dorm with Lily. Lily wasn't asked first hand to come (surprisingly), but rather asked by Remus to be his date. Octavia was ecstatic that he asked the girl, as she always thought she was perfect for him. And being his best friend, she didn't want the boy to settle for anyone less than her.

James had previously said sorry for his actions and actually explained that he'd love to go with her, but by that time the girl had already asked Ashton to be her date which he gladly accepted. She didn't want to take James, especially because he was probably forced into apologizing by Remus.

The day after that discussion happened, the boys were persistent on making her feel certain emotions to an extreme extent, trying to bring out the metamorphmagus side of her. In a way, she was glad that her friends knew. She almost felt guilty that she kept it a secret from them for so long, but she was also upset that they found out like that. Octavia wishes she had just told them earlier. But what's done is done.

"You ready?" The red head asked her friend, standing up and walking over to her. Octavia nodded her head and stood up smiling. The two of them walked out of their dorm and were met by both Remus and Ashton at the bottom of the stairs.

James watched from the other side of the room as Octavia walked down and hugged the git hello. She looked beautiful, and he cursed himself for ruining the chance of it being him to take her out. Well, her take him out. He sat there grumpily with Peter and Sirius by his side, sending daggers to the back of Ashton's head.

Octavia was wearing a black dress that looked crazy good on her. It had spaghetti straps and the top half had a second layer. It was mesh and covered her cleavage in a classy way. Her extremely long brown hair was up in a messy, yet elegant bun and her smile was stunning like always.

James was getting angrier and angrier at Ashton by the second, and he knew he had to do something to win over his best friend.

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"Okay boys, strategy time."

"Prongs, isn't it obvious? The first Hogsmeade trip is this weekend, just ask her to it." Sirius said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Right." James sighed, nodding his head. "And how exactly do I do that?"

Peter let out a frustrated groan at the same time Sirius did. "You're James freakin' Potter, do it anyway you want and the ladies will still be all over you!"

"But this isn't just any chick." The young boy emphasized. "I've upset her too many times recently, I really need to make this count in order to finally win her over. Merlin knows, I've been trying for far too long. Come on, Sirius, you're the hottest bloke at Hogwarts. How would you do it?"

Sirius turned to Peter, and Peter instantly accepted that he was once again being used as the model of a girl with a roll of his eyes. "Hey Tave, you're hot and I fancy you. How about you and I go to Hogsmeade together?"

James' eyebrows almost raised past the roof. The boys know that if he ever tried something like that to his friend, she would hex him. She's done it before, and she'll certainly do it again. "No."

"Okay, how would Remus do it? She's closest with him and seems to prefer his mannerisms over ours." Peter suggested. James silently agreed with him and considered it. He decided he'll try it tonight, right after she came back from the Slug Club.

► ▷

Slug Club was actually quite fun, Octavia decided. The food was divine and she loved having conversations with those who also take pride in their work and ability. She had been having an amazing time with Ashton, but her mind couldn't help but wonder to James every now and then. She knew if he were there, he wouldn't fail to keep her laughing every two seconds.

Ashton noticed her zone out and took the time to admire her. She was absolutely stunning, and he was so surprised when she asked him to go with her. He thought for sure if she was to ask anyone, it would be one of the Marauder's; her best friends.

Nevertheless, he was there and they weren't. Well, Remus was. But he was over the moon to spend extra time with the girl. Severus Snape was also there. He came not knowing that both Lily and Octavia were invited, so it was quite the unpleasant surprise. It was pretty awkward between the three, and everyone knew it.

He ended up excusing himself before the night ended and went back to the Slytherin common room. The conversation at the table shifted to family, and Octavia finally tuned back in. She hadn't seen her family for almost five years. It was crazy how time passed so quickly.

Despite a burning hatred for them, she wondered how the were and what they were doing and of course, if they missed her. Even in the slightest. She knew that after she left, they would have burnt her off the family tree, but that doesn't mean they didn't think of her in a rare moment.

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Ashton smiled widely as Octavia kissed him on the cheek, thanking him for accompanying her to the dinner. He excused himself and went off into his dormitory. James almost gagged at the sight but walked over to her anyway. "Octavia?"

"Yes?" The brunette asked, her blue eyes looking into his.

"It's a Hogsmeade day this weekend."

"So?" She asked, hoping he'd ask her out but trying to keep a straight face.

"You, me, butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks and a whole lot of chocolate. Sounds perfect, ay?" Smooth, James thought to himself. Sirius' way probably was more charming.

Octavia contained the urge to squeal but instead nodded her head slightly, a smile on her perfect lips. "Sounds brilliant."

"Brilliant." He muttered to himself, as he watched her walk back into her dormitory.

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published [31/1/2017]

note [please remember to vote and comment if you're enjoying this, it really helps motivate me! xx]

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