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[ January 4th, 1977 ]

Octavia sat in the library. She had a free period while her friends (excluding Sirius and Marlene) had class, but she thought it was best to leave those two alone.

She was completing some of her homework when a loud thud startled her. Her eye contact broke from her quill and she looked up to see a mop of curls she was becoming more and more familiar with.

"Please, Regulus, I'm trying to study." She sighed, not ready to become distracted by the annoying fifth year. "I don't have time for your trouble causing."

"Chill, I'm just here to study. The other tables are full."

Octavia's eyes gazed around the room quickly and she did infact notice a spare seat next to a third year Hufflepuff. She chose not to voice this, in fear of starting a proper conversation with him. He slid his thick book across the table and spread his arms out in front of him, maki

They continued their work for a while and Octavia was thinking he may had actually had good intentions when the boy opened his mouth again. "Can I ask you a question?"

"You just did."

"Please, I really need your help." This sparked Octavia's interests. What did he need help with? And why was he asking her? She raised her eyebrow, as an invitation to continue. "You helped Sirius when he.. ran away? Right?"

Octavia scoffed to herself. She could feel the anger bubbling inside her stomach. The audacity of him speaking about Sirius' home life. Again. "How dare you? I am so close to-"

"Just hear me out! For the love of Merlin." He exclaimed, burying his head in his hands to hide the distraught on his face. "I-Ever since he left.. Well, my parents aren't saints. And since his departure they needed someone to punish. They needed someone to take his place..."

Octavia stared right through him, and then it clicked. They were so abusive towards Sirius, and when he left, they turned to Regulus. Her heart broke for the boy. He was so young at the time and they must have been doing it for years!

"Regulus I am so, so sorry." She said, her small hand covering her open mouth. "Wha-How?"

"Physical and magical. Anything they felt like at the time. A beating, starvation, the cruciatus curse." He said. Octavia watched his face as he was talking to her. Every now and then she saw flickers of pain, but apart from that his face was stone cold. As if it were something he had become accustomed to.

Octavia reached her hand over the table and placed it on top of his comfortingly. "May I ask, why me?"

"I don't have any other friends who would understand. And you helped Sirius become himself again." His thumb started rubbing over Octavia's hand, "I understand if you don't want to help or talk to me. I just thought you were my best shot."

"Of course. And I'm here for you."

Octavia and Regulus sat in silence for the rest of the period. Regulus was over the moon that he had finally found someone to confide in.

"I'm really sorry for all the horrible things I said to you, by the way."

"Tavia, it's fine. You weren't to know." He smiled up at her, showing off his deep dimples to her.

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[ January 7th, 1977 ]

Octavia and Regulus have been hanging out for a few days now. Octavia didn't want to seem rude, but she had low key been hiding it from the Marauders. They hated his guts and she knew they wouldn't take their blooming friendship well.

The two of them currently sat at the edge of the Black Lake. It was the first time she had been there without the boys, yet she felt safe. Well, she did feel safe before the quiet environment around was interrupted.

"Black!" A stone cold voice shouted from behind the two. Octavia and Regulus sat up from the ground and got to their feet.

Lucius and a couple of his mates were heading their way, an unreadable look on their faces. "Associating with blood-traitors? You're just as bad as your brother. What's gotten into you?"

"There's nothing wrong with her!" Regulus defended, not only taking Lucius by surprise, but also Octavia. That took guts, and they all knew it. "She's a pure-blood, just like you."

"Don't you dare compare that piece of garage to me." Lucius hissed, fury welling up in his eyes. "You'll pay for that!"

"Lucius.." Regulus said slowly, as if he were warning the platinum blonde to walk away before doing something bad.

It was too late though, Lucius had made up his mind. "How about we try something we learned in class today?" He lifted his wand from under his cloak and aimed it at the wall behind Octavia. "Bombarda!"

The explosion of the wall behind Octavia was massive, and the backlash of the explosion hit her left shoulder with such a force she could fell it pop out. She screamed out in pain, disrupting whatever peace was left in the area.

Lucius and his friends left, leaving Regulus to walk Octavia to the nurse. He had apologised repeatedly, but Octavia knew it wasn't his fault. Octavia had chosen the non-magical remedy for her injury, and Regulus held her hand supportively as (nurse) popped her shoulder back into place.

Regulus knew she was trying to hide her pain from him, but that only made him feel worse. He stayed by her side for an hour, while she was made to rest in the hospital wing. Neither of them knew, though, that Sirius has actually caught a glimpse of them together.

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published [8/3/2017]

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