Chapter 16

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WARNING: Some content may be disturbing to the following reader.
Monday came around, and I was dreading the deal ending. I got what I wanted, and they left me alone. Granted, it took a conniption for them to leave me alone, but they left me alone. I was glad because Ryan didn't have to worry about losing my attention, and my friends didn't have to worry about me having a random bitch fit in the middle of the store.

Asher went home Sunday night because of school restarting today. He was relieved he did because of Jaylin dropping by this morning. My parents came home yesterday, which meant a few less snakes for me to deal with. It also meant we got another snake. An albino scaleless that Jaylin claimed and named Pinky. Like I said, pink obsession.

Jaylin wasn't the only friend I have that claimed a piece of inventory. Ryan claimed Banana. Sky claimed our viper, and renamed her Opal. Her original name was Rocky (I was five), but Sky said her scales in the glistening Arizona sun reminded her of an opal. It kinda makes me wonder what my friends think about, or why they're thinking about it. Especially when I walk into Geometry, and there's a swan on Hazel's notebook.

"Hazel, why is it whenever I come into this class, there's some type of woodland creature in your notebook?" I dropped my bag next to my chair.

"You know I love them," she closed her book.

"How can you like them when there's not a single forest animal for miles? In case you forgot, we live in Arizona, which is almost completely desert. There's a cactus in the courtyard," I lowered myself into my chair.

"In case you forgot, I've. Went to Colorado. I've seen deer and bears and rabbits when they aren't being eaten by your many, many family pets."

The twins had a lot of family up in the mountains. It was very rare they'd ever go North. They had a pretty dysfunctional family. Some of their family are inbreds, some are drug addicts and or prostitutes, some are cannibals. As far as that while family goes, Chelsea and Hazel are the the most normal ones. That whole family makes me look normal.

No one really knows about their family history. I only do because their mom told me. She told me because the twins' were acting really strange, and I got worried. No one else knows about their family, including Sky and Jaylin. Neither of them know that I know. They don't mention it, I don't ask about it.

A lot of times when they had to write about their family history, they altered their papers a lot. Probably in fear of others looking at them different. I felt pretty disturbed after hearing about it, but I still loved them all the same. They had completely different personalities from the average inbred or cannibal.

"And probably worse too," I whispered.

"What was that?" She looked at me.


"Good morning, class," Mr. Harris said as he shut the classroom door.
I know that whole chapter escalated quickly, and it's pretty disturbing. I've been watching a lot of pretty fucked up movies lately. But it's better than nothing. I'll probably be tying in more of everybody's family history other than Mag's and the twins' over the next few chapters. If I can write any more.

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