Chapter 21

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Ever feel like you found out you're not really who you thought you were because of a huge family secret, and now you have no idea who you are? That's exactly how I feel right now. I used to think I was just Mag Packard, a regular country girl from Arizona that wanted to spend every free moment I had with my friends, and be a mechanic when I grew up. I wanted to go to college and move out, and have my own life away from my family's history.

That all changed in the blink of an eye. That all changed the day I turned seven. And everything that had already changed the day I was bit completely changed again. When I found out what the venom did to my DNA, I thought I would just be part snake for the rest of my life. No, it's worse. Much, much worse.

Something that was described so simple turned out to be complicated below the surface. Something that would change my life yet again. Or possibly end it. Something that no sixteen-year-old should have to do. Because of this, everything I thought I knew about myself turned out to be a lie. Because of this, I can't have everything I ever wanted. Because of this, the rest of my life went down the drain.

Because of this my whole life was fucked up before I even got the chance to have one.

I did what the cobra told me to do. I read the book. By the third chapter, I wish I hadn't. I still read the book. I just wish I stopped reading. I found out a lot of stuff that I really don't want to know.

I always thought my parents would never lie to me. That was a joke. They lied to me my entire life. They lied about my family history. They lied about my future. They lied about my future that I might that I might not even get because I might not live long enough to have a future.

Finishing high school, Ryan, working, everything is pointless. Well, according to the book, Ryan's not completely useless. Damn book says if I plan on having any kids, I better have them before I turn eighteen. That would explain why all the women in my family are pretty young.

My dad was twenty when him and my mom had me. My grandmother's only fifty-two. Well, she's suppose to be. I was always told she died during childbirth, and my dad was raised by a single father and my great-grandparents when my grandfather needed help. I always thought my whole family was a never ending cycle of teen pregnancy and complications during childbirth that my dad ended.

Now I know why no one in my family has a mother except me. Right now, I just feel like I'm in denial about it. How am I suppose to tell my friends that they might lose the one person that has always been there? How is Ryan gonna react when I tell him we got back together only for him to lose me again? How is he suppose to deal with a tiny fragile human being that is going to remind him of what he lost? How is Asher going to cope when his best friend, the only person on earth that supported him and treated him like everybody else, won't be there to love and support him or treat him like a normal human being?

After reading that book, all these questions are running through my head. My whole future is up in the air, and all of my friends might lose the confused leader they stupidly follow. It's kind of ironic. They looked at me as a leader, and now I actually am one. It's amazing how often things they say or do turn out to be right.

"There's only one cure?" I asked the snake.


"It's not even a cure. It's 'if I survive, I won't be this way anymore. If I don't, oh well'. That's what it is."

"Well, yes. But if you do survive, the future generations won't have to deal with it."

"So, because my grandmother died, I had to continue on the family curse?"

"Correct." He tilted his head. "Are you going to follow in your family's footsteps, and start your life now?"

"No. If I have a kid, I want to see them grow up. I don't want them to go through life without a mom. And I can't do that to Ryan," Realization smacked me in the face. "How am I suppose to tell them about this? If they wake up one morning, I don't want the first thing they hear is 'Mag's dead'. Nobody's going to want to hear that! Not the twins or Jay or Sky. Especially not Ash and Ryan! The worst is Mom and Dad! They're not going to be happy when they find out their only child is dead."

"You have a point."

"Duh! I crossed my eyes and my arms. "Everybody's going to be crushed."

"Do you everything you want now while you still can. Otherwise you'll regret it when the time comes, and you're laying on your death bed." He slithered away.


Chapter 21 has arrived. I still have no idea where I'm going with this book yet, but I'll figure it out. Enjoy.

Shoutout to claasejuanita   for her appraisal comment yesterday. It was very much appreciated, and made my day.

In the meantime, also check out my new book, Period of Adjustment. My best friend highly recommends it. And believe me. It takes a lot for him to recommend a book.

Anyway love you guys. Peace. ✌🏻

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