chapter 22

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Thank you guys so much for over 5k reads!! Y'all are the best!!

On another note, who wants to send in fanart or make me a new cover? All will be posted and have a chapter dedication. On a somewhat related matter, anyone wanna write me a chapter? Said chapter would also be posted and dedicated to the writer. All art and chapters would be greatly appreciated.

Anyhoodles, y'all are probably feaning from chapter withdraw so here's chapter 22!! Dedicated to @Jashinrules for really wanting and update!!


"You what?!?" Asher yelled as he fell of his bed.

Asher was the only person I told about what the book said. Everybody tried to get me to tell them, but none of them had much luck. The only person I tell everything to is Ash. Mainly because he's the only one that can keep a secret. The girls pretty much run down the street with a bullhorn.

"I said I might now live much longer because of my stupid family curse."

"How much longer do you have?"

"I don't know. It depends what happens. Apparently not much longer. At least that's how it is in my family. No one lives passed eighteen."

"Teen moms?"

"Is it that obvious? Otherwise I wouldn't be here."

"Does Ryan know?"

"Which part? That if he wants a family with me, it most likely won't happen? If I listen to my family tradition, he's gonna be stuck with a kid that is half me. If I don't tell him at all, it'll kill him if something happens."

"What about Chelsea and Hazel? Or Jay and Sky? What am I gonna do without my partner in crime?"

"I don't know, Ash."

"Ask the snake." He shrugged.

For once, I took something into consideration I never thought would be a good idea: To ask the snake. It's been suggested usually when he wouldn't have been able to help, or when it was a stupid idea. Lately, anything to do with that stupid legless reptile has been at least a semi-okay suggestion or idea. First, I listen to his suggestion about reading that manual for dealing with the family curse. Now Asher's idea about asking the snake as far as telling my friends about what could possibly be my fate.

"The only problem is I have no idea where he is or ho to get him to come to me. He usually just appears when I don't really care for his presence. Or when it has to do with that old book."

"You might've just answered you're own question, Mahogany." I looked at him as the sound of my full name.

"Alright, smack ass." I tossed him the book. "You find it."

He turned the book's cover and title page to reveal the table of contents. Asher may have been a fool, but he was no idiot. Not to mention, he was pretty wise and good at finding loopholes. We considered him the "intellectual mastermind". He slid the book back to me.

"Start summoning." He sat back, stretched his legs, and crossed his arms behind his head like he just solved world hunger or paid off the national debt.

"You're on the road to a beatin', Cream Puff." I rolled my eyes, and looked at the page. "What language is this anyway?"

"Albanian." I looked up at him. "My wicked sister-in-law. She spent some time over there. Summer, holidays and so on and so forth."

"I thank the heavens for her. Not often, but I do right now. I'm mostly thankful for you."

"I know. I'm god." A sarcastic smirk grew on his face.

"You're gonna be a nonexistent god if you keep it up." I looked at the page again.

"Uh, Mag? Turn around." I obeyed.

Asher was right. He was an idiot, but he was right. I did answer my own question. The snake was laying on Asher's window sill, which was weird because his room was on the second floor. My first thought was he slithered up the drain pipe. That sneaky scaly stick.

"You summoned me?"

"What do you think about me telling Ryan and everybody else what they should expect from this stupid curse? I mean Ash already knows and of course my parents know. Or I hope they would know. They knew about my family history, they knew it was gonna happen to me, and yet they never told me about it. They should've told me. They should've given me a heads up about where my life was heading. If they had told me, I wouldn't be having these problems. I would've never made friends. I would've said no when Ryan asked me. I would've just stayed the snake freak." I rambled.

"Calm down, Mahogany."

"Mahogany?! Even the talking snake knows my real name. The snake freak has a weird name!" Realization smacked me in the face. "Wait. You called me Mahogany. You never call me Mahogany. You always call me Mag. Everybody always calls me Mag. Why is everybody calling me Mahogany?"

"Is she okay?" The snake asked Asher.

"Not really. She's just stressed about this whole thing, and everything about it is just freaking her out. I call her Mahogany as a joke, even though it's her legal name. Nobody calls her that because she doesn't like it. You called her that, and it royally freaked her out. She's changing so much, she doesn't like it, and she wants everything to go back to how it used to be." Ash explained.

"Ash, why are you talking to a snake?! Why is there a talking snake on your window sill?! Asher, make it go away! I fucking hate snakes." I walked out of his room.

"She should probably talk to her parents." I heard the snake say. "All she can get from me advicewise is anything that has to do with this curse as she puts it. If she needs advice for anything else, she's better off asking her parents. She may have a genetic mutation, but she is also still human. She needs them."

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