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  HIS EYES WERE slowly transforming back to their usual hue, and I could feel his anger gradually fading away into nothingness. But nonetheless, my fear did not subside.

He didn't speak a word, his silence saying more than words ever could, instead he left the room, the door slamming shut behind him.

Why did he always leave when he got angry?

If he were to just hit me a few times, surely that would just help to diminish it instead, rather than disappearing each time to do God knows what. Maybe he had someone else to hit instead.

In my mind now Kaden seemed somehow distant from the monster. He was... Different? — Though I couldn't for the life of me figure out how.

He still got angry like the monster did. He was still scary sometimes like the monster was. But he still has yet to lay a hand on me. Yet.

I knew it was just a matter of time before I did or said the wrong thing and he would snap, although I had yet to see the full force of Kaden's anger, he might be worse than the monster.

If Kaden were to snap and fully lose control...

Could he kill me? Would he kill me?

It would only take a single outburst. One wrong move and that would be it.

All of a sudden the room seemed to close in upon me, the walls shrinking until the room seemed suffocating... Claustrophobic. I had to get out somehow.

There were no windows, and the endlessly white walls seemed to drone on forever. Like a prison of a different kind. I ran to the wooden door slamming myself against it, praying it wasn't locked.

I was desperate. Desperate to escape.

I had been locked away before, I would not allow myself to be locked away again. I tugged at the cold metal handle but it wouldn't budge. I was trapped.

I screeched and cursed like some strange sort of wounded animal, banging my fists against the door, but I knew there was no way I could break it, I was too weak. I would always be too weak.

Inside my head, my creature was hissing at me, but I could barely hear her over the abnormally fast and uneven beating of my heart. It hammered in my ears as my breaths become quick and shallow.

The world was closing in all around me. I stopped screaming and just collapsed down to the floor in a sitting position with my back pressed against the door.

I wasn't even crying anymore, my eyes were vacant of tears as I sat there, numb to all emotion as I let my beast take over.

She would know what to do. She always did. And misguided as her judgement often was, I trusted her with my life. I didn't really register anything as I felt her stand up, using my legs.

She was me. And I was her. We were one, bound my flesh and thought and bone. But together, two halves of a whole.

She turned to face the door, and with one strong kick, it flew open to reveal an empty corridor, lined with white with gold accents. The oak floors felt foreign and smooth beneath my bare feet.

She walked down the corridor but stopped before a large flight of stairs. At the bottom was what looked like a large foyer with big wooden double doors and rich marble floors.

I was vaguely aware of how cold the steps were under my naked feet as she reached their end, but she stopped when a large figure blocked her path.

The bad thing about my wolf being in control of my body was I couldn't take back control, no matter how hard I tried. I had to wait for her to give it back willingly.

I knew something bad was going to happen by the way she tensed up at the sight of the man, but I was forced to watch as an outsider from within my own mind. Nothing more than a passenger within my own flesh and bones.

"Where do you think you're going, rogue?" The man leered, well-built and red-faced, with hair that was beginning to bald, and yet his cold eyes held no warmth; only malice.

My wolf bared her teeth at the man, lips pulled back into a bitter snarl.

"Don't you dare bare your fucking teeth at me!" The man appeared enraged by her blatant disrespect. "You rogues are only good for one thing..." His eyes crawled hungrily along her body, making her skin bristle. " — And though you're a tad scrawny for my taste, I can see why the Alpha wants you..."

With that he wet his tongue, flickering it over his cracked lips like a serpent. My wolf took a step back from the man, knowing the danger she had put herself in, but it was already too late and he matched her with his own step forward.

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I borrowed you for a night." He was so close my that even though I was not in control of my body I could still smell the stench of his stale breath that fanned across my face. "What do you think, darling? — Shall we go ask?"

She tried to take another step back, but the man just stalked even closer, numbly I felt my back collide with something hard and warm behind me, and I almost jumped from the shock as I felt the jolt of electricity flow through my body.

My creature turned away from the man to see Kaden standing behind her, devilish canines bared in a snark at the man, he looked something past the point of furious. A vicious display of authority.

Although come to think of it, he was practically always pissed whenever I saw him. I always made everyone angry. I could never do anything right. That's what I had been conditioned to believe.

To my horror, my wolf took a step toward Kaden until my chest was pulled flush against his, wrapping her arms around his neck and pushing her head into the crook of his neck, inhaling the sweet scent of our mate.

He smelled like pine, and the woods, safety. Home.

As much as I knew that I was only doing this because my wolf was in control, I secretly wished I could be brave enough to do something like this with Kaden myself. To show him that he was mine, as much as I was his. Would he like that?

Because I did want him, desperately so, it was just that I was entirely too terrified to show it. His hands curl possessively around my waist.


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