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No feeling.
No emotion.
Just, empty.

Empty like the void that slid in between the pieces of the puzzle, replacing the missing pieces with nothing but white noise.

Constant and static.

Because that was the only noise that filled my ears, static.

Static as the bullet hit.

Static as he fell.

Nothing, just empty.

I remained seated as it hit, helpless to help the man I loved.

Shock holding me in its vice like grip, it's a strong fist wrapped around my heart.
-squeezing me.


Almost to the point of it bursting,

But now, nothing.
Only a dull ache left behind.
I couldn't hear, I couldn't feel.

Just an empty vessel left behind.
Numb to the tears that flowed silently down my cheeks.
And there I sat, watching the life slowly draining from him, and there was nothing I could do to save him.

Everything was perfect,
Too perfect.
Something had to give, something had to break, releasing hellfire down upon me.

I was doomed, never to taste the sweet nectar of happiness.

Only briefly, before it was ripped away from me.

I could see Lumen, tears streaming down her cheeks, shaking me by the shoulders.

I could see the way her lips moved, but no sound.
Only static.

I looked down at my hands, to see that they were stained with crimson blood.

My mates blood.

My mate...

Where was my mate?

"Kaden," The word slipped from my lips, rough and torn at the edges by the monster of grief that clawed at my eyes and throat.

"Arden, you have to listen to me," Lumen's voice broke and shook, as the static cleared away, revealing the madness happening around me.

Where was I?

Where was he?

People in white rushed past, hurried footsteps slamming against the hard floors and down the busy hall ways as they disappeared from view, and faded shouts from every direction, I couldn't make out any words in particular, just the incessant drone of the noises that surrounded me.

"Where is he?" I cried, my voice quivering like a frightened bird, unable to fly, unable to feel.

"Where is Kaden," my voice cracked and the dull throb increased in my heart, the steady pumps were an untold agony, a sorrowful heart singing its mourning cries.

"Arden, He's..." Lumen choked back a sob, fresh tears brimming in her red rimmed eyes.

"He's what, where is he Lumen?" I sobbed desperately, I needed my mate, he always fixed everything.
-He was always the one to save me, without him, the wounds would not heal, they would stay fresh and painful as long as he wasn't there.

"He's alive," I could hear her shallow, grief ridden sobs, crying out through the strong facade she'd put up, "But only just, and probably not for much longer..."


She's lying, Kaden would never leave me.
He is strong, an Alpha, he would fight.
He would fight and he would win.

He wouldn't leave.
He can't leave.

"The doctors... they don't expect him to survive the night."

At lumen's words, a jolt of pain shot through my abdomen. I don't know why my body reacted in such a way, creating a painful cramp, like a spring being pulled taught, ready to snap at any moment in time.

He might not survive the night,
I might wake up tomorrow morning, and I would be alone in this world.
Alone with a child, a child with no father.

I couldn't.
-I just couldn't.

He was my rock, and without him, I would tumble into the abyss, with no light to guide me home.

"Arden, you're in shock, but you need to listen to me," Lumen placed a firm hand on my forearm, keeping my attention away from my own dark thoughts. "He would want to see you, even if it might be the last time,"

I rose from the chair and let her blindly lead me down the halls, stumbling along behind her, the notices slowly getting louder the close the end of the hall came.

"He's in here," Lumen sniffed, "Just remember that he loved you, no matter what, and he always will."

The door swung open to reveal him,
He was hurt.
He was dying.

Seeing it made it all the more real, snapping me out of my trance and rushing to his bed side.

No silent sobs, no single tears.
Just full on ugly crying.

My body made sounds that it had never made before, singing it's cry of misery and despair.

It was real, he was really hurt.

My frame shook and quivered as the tears wracked my body, echoing within it's walls for all to hear. Rocking back and forth of my knees to try to ease the pain,

I clutched his hand in mine, his pale, unmoving hand.
He was cold, so so cold. But I felt a slight heat return to his skin under my palms.

The tingles,
-they were there, but like a dim flickering light.
Teetering between on and off, and slowly fading into nothing before briefly returning with their weak current.

He was hurt.
And he was ever so slowly fading from life, drifting further and further away.

He was slipping from under my fingers.
And there was nothing I could do to save him,
I could only watch it all happen.

Meh chapter, bit short and extremely unedited,
This chapter is pretty much gibberish but it's kind of meant to be to show how Ardens thoughts are in utter chaos.
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