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"Arden! Why didn't you tell me!" Lumen screamed as she ran at me and engulfed me in a hug

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"Arden! Why didn't you tell me!" Lumen screamed as she ran at me and engulfed me in a hug.

"Tell you what?" I giggled as we pulled away,

"That you and my brother did the deed of darkness!"

"The what?" I laughed,

"You know..." Lumen smirked, "The boing boing, hubba hubba."

"Lumen, what the fuck are you on about,"
Came Kaden's amused voice from behind me, and I soon felt his strong arms wrap around me, him resting his chin on top of my head.

"You guys banged!" She exclaimed, I finally caught on as my face contorted in horror at her description.

"That's...not quite how I would put it..." Kaden chuckled at Lumen's antics.

"Then how would you put it." Lumen said, placing her hand on her hip.

"Made love, ha-"

"Stop! My poor ears!" Lumen screamed, clamping her palms firmly over her ears as she shook her head vigorously as if trying to rid the mental images.

"I think I'm scarred for life..." She mumbled, heading towards the fridge.

"What are you doing," I asked through fits of giggles.

"Well... if I'm going to be scarred for life, I might as well be scarred and fed rather than scarred and hungry." She replied, turning around to reveal that her arms were full of food.

"Your always hungry." Kaden groaned, placing a small kiss on the side of my neck.

"Eww, guys stop with the PDA!" Lumen complained.

"What does PDA even mean?" I whispered to Kaden,

"Public display of affection." He answered, placing another kiss on the skin of his mark.

"Lumen, you do realise that... your the one in our house, so technically it's not public." Kaden smirked, pulling my in for a long kiss, when we broke apart I was greeted with the sight of an apauled looking Lumen.

"Arden you traitor," She fake cried, " I thought us girls were ment to stick together!"

"Ha!" Kaden shouted childishly, "Arden loves me more!"

Wow... just...wow

Kaden was always to serious, except with his sister, then he acted like a child again, their rivalry obvious.

"What a low blow." Lumen mumbled through her mouthful of food.

"Lumen, how could you tell that me and Kaden... You know..." I trailed off, curious to how she knew.

"You mean fucked?," She laughed as she watch my mortified face, "Your scent has changed, you smell more like Kaden."

"Oh yeah... forgot about that." I murmured, turning to bury my head deep into Kaden's shoulder.

"Before I forget, I came down to tell you both that we are all going to the pack-house today, I have a meeting with two other Alphas."

"Which Alphas?" Lumen and I both asked in sync,

"Alpha Hades, and your brother, Alpha Xavier-"
Kaden continued to speak about somthing but I was no longer listening, Xavier was coming to visit, even if it was only for a meeting.

I missed my brother, he had came to visit a few times since the first time I had seen him, but I still always longed for his presence whenever he wasn't here.

"Your brother?" Lumen questioned,

"Yeah." I replied breathily, distracted with thoughts of Xavier.


"Arden!" Called a sickly sweet voice, "I've missed you!"

Taylor brought me into a hug, her grip slightly too tight, her perfectly manicured nails digging into my skin, and her floral perfume felt as if it was smothering me in its scent.

"Cant exactly say the same about you," I heard Lumen mutter under her breath from behind me.

"If your going to say something Lumen, say it so everyone can hear it." Taylor sneered, picking at her cuticles nonchalantly.

"Can we kill her now?" Lumen whispered to me, I struggled to withhold my laugh and had to cover it up with an awkward cough,

"What did you just say?" Taylor snapped, narrowing her eyes and cocking her head slightly, she looked dangerous, though she seemingly didn't intimidate Lumen in the slightest.

"I said, can we k-" Lumen began but I coughed loudly, interrupting her before she could Finnish her sentence,

"She said," I shot Lumen a frustrated look, "That she wonders when the other Alphas will arrive."

"Me too," Taylor said wistfully as if distracted within her own thoughts, the room was silent for a minute. Before Taylor spoke up, shattering the peaceful silence with her high pitched voice, "I hear they're both hot as hell."

"For fuck sakes..." Lumen groaned, pressing her hands to her ears, but I just laughed.

"Alpha Xavier is my brother," I told her,

"Is he really?"
I nodded,
"Because I would tap that! Besides Alpha Hades has already found his mate, They say she's a psycho."

"Must be a handful," I answer not completely believing everything she said about Hades' mate, and completely ignoring her comment about my brother.

"No, she not just a handful, she's insane. I heard that since she joined, two of his pack members have gone missing, and nobody knows where they have gone." She stated, her eyes wide... did this girl honestly believe everything she had just said about a girl she had never even met?

"That's not true, she probably just fine." Lumen said, rolling her eyes at Taylor,

"She escaped from a fucking mental asylum! She's not 'just fine,' she's crazy, that's what she is!" Taylor spat, her voice becoming higher and higher by the minute, her frustration obviously growing.

"Whatever." Lumen blanched, her lip raised in a slight snarl.

"The Alphas' are here!" A voice yelled from somewhere deep within the pack house.

Quick update, but I ideally need to Finnish this story before June, because that is when MY AMORA is released, other wise I will be writing three stories at once!
So hopefully updates will now be more frequent and longer in a bid to Finnish the book before June.
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