48|Scarlet tears

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He came

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He came.
The sound of a thousand paws thundering against the freshly upturned soil.

They were all here.

My head lolled and swung dangerously, my eyes unable to focus on the scene before me through the tears.

I tried to call out.
To tell Kaden that I was dying.
-That our baby, was dying.

But my voice wouldn't come.

Even if I did, nobody would hear a dying girl's cry's over the sounds of destruction that filled the air.

Bones cracked, body's fell, the silence was slaughtered by the snarls and growls of the wolves.

One against many.

Insanis would loose.

He would pay for his sins with his life.
-with his blood.

He ruined my life,
-He ruined me.

An ear splitting raw broke through the noise, quickly followed by more shouting.

One man was down, pinned by several wolves, each of their faces twisted and contorted into a different portrayal of rage.

"Shit! Arden!"

I tried to call out once more, but words failed me. I had a handful of letters but no idea how to use them.

Strong arms enveloped me into his embrace. Pulses of electricity slowly bringing my body back, maybe there was hope, for me and my baby.

Finally my voice came, though weak and barely a whisper. He heard me none the less. He knew what I wanted.

"Save the baby Kaden, promise me you'll save our baby,"


Kaden P.O.V


She couldn't think like that.
She wasn't going to leave me, she couldn't.

I needed her.

I looked down at my scarlet soaked hands and the crimson stains that were slowly swallowing her. This couldn't be happening.

"Somebody help me!" I yelled, my voice scratchy through the tears that threatened to spill. My knees felt weak, and my stomach churned as the pack house came into view.

The limp girl in my arms moaned softly, her lips parting slightly. She was growing increasingly pale.

People began to gather outside the doors of the packhouse, curious as to what all the commotion was about.

That was, until they saw Arden.

A few individuals broke free from the crowd, rushing to my aid.

"Kaden!" Screamed by sister, running to my side.

That was when I broke.
My legs buckled beneath me, falling to my knees in front of my pack, "She's gone," I cried, the monster of grief raging deep inside me, clawing at my eyes and throat "Lumen she's gone,"

"Stop," Lumen growled, "She's not gone yet, there is still hope but you need to get up, you need to let us help you."

And with that, a man lifted her frail body from my arms. Taking her from me. "No!" I roared, the sound echoing throughout the pack grounds.

"Kaden, let her go, it's the only way she'll survive." Lumen said, a single tear crawling down her cheek. She pulled me up, steadying my body with hers as we followed the trail of scarlet tear drops to the infirmary

My sister,
The sister that always put on a brave face and pretended she wasn't affected as the world went to shit,
-Had crumbled as I had, under the threat of loosing Arden.

"She'll pull through, she's stronger than any of us know." Lumen mumbled, placing a reassuring arm on my shoulder.

A lot could happen in a day.
In a single day I could loose both my mate and child.
In a day I could loose everything.

We turned a corner, and were met with the sounds of beeping and frenzied commotion, pack nurses and doctors running around, shouting incoherent things to each other.
And in the middle of it all was Arden. Laying upon a blue clothed table, her shredded clothes changed for a pale medical gown.

Everything was pale, the walls, the decor, even the people looked ghostly.
It was almost as though the life had been sucked out of everything, as though the world had been poisoned, and the colour slowly drained until the only thing left was an empty grey void.

One woman turned at the stilling of the heart monitor, her face falling in horror.

"She's flatlining!"

I don't like this chapter but hey ho
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