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Cold metal dug into my wrists, sweat mingling amongst scarlet blood and salty tears.

The screams that left my lips were thick and guttural, something beyond human.

"Shut up!" He roared, "Shut up!"

My cheek flushed with pain at the force of his hand. Tears slipped down my cheeks.

I pulled desperately on the chains binding me, but the metal clattering against the stone walls making the beast turn with an aweful glare.
He stalked closer, his eyes not leaving line until his body was pressed against mine.
Bile rose in my throat, bitter and sickening in every way.

"Why are you crying? He hissed, his vile breath fanned my face and his face contorting in anger, his voice raising with every word that he spoke, "Do you not love me?"

He moved his body even closer, so that I could feel everything. He pressed his face into my neck, breathing in my scent and moaning as he did. "Because you will, eventually." A disgusted shiver ran down my back, my knees threatening to buckle beneath me with terror.

"You're mine now, little girl."


"Are you sure you want to do this?" Kaden asked, giving my hand a gentle squeeze.

Could I do this?

I had to do this.
For our baby.
For the years that I lost to that beast.

"I'm sure."

Our footfalls echoed within the dank corridor, droplets of water crawling down the stone walls from the river above.

I could smell him, I could smell his vile stench.

Like violets and rotting plums... and something sickly sweet that made me shrink back in disgust.

"Don't worry, I'll be there the whole time." Kaden assured me as we continued down the passage way.
I gave him a small smile in return.

I would do this.
I could do this.
I had to do this.

The stench grew stronger, I could hear him breathing, deep raspy intakes. Even the sound of his breaths scared me to my very core.

We rounded a corner until we could finally see the monster.

My blood turned to ice in my veins, my heart stopped beating and my lungs stopped working. My whole body froze. Kaden looked back at me with worried eyes and a reassuring smile, "You can do it."

The man slowly raised his head to look at me through hooded eyes. "I see you no longer bear that ‭bastard inside of you... good thing it's gone."

Rage bubbles up within me, threatening to over flow and tears welled in my eyes.
He seemed almost to jolt awake, suddenly springing forwards, pulling against the thick metal chains that bound him to the wall. I flinched, stepping back behind Kaden.
"Arden." He snarled aloud into a vicious laugh, "I knew you would come for me."

He looked at me expectantly.

"No." My voice was shaky and hesitant, "I'm not here for you."

Partly a lie.
I was there for him, but not to release him.
I was there for quite a different reason.

To kill him.

I clutched the dagger tighter behind my back, my whole body was a spring coiled tightly, just waiting to be released.

"What do you mean?" He asked, looking genuinely confused. "Then why are you here?"

He looked almost upset, that was at least until his facade broke and he hissed and spat, shrinking and rattling his chains in a horrid symphony of metal and stone.

"You're mine now, little girl!" He roared, cackling all the while.

This man was truly insane.

"I am here to ask you a question." I clenched my jaw, the fear leaving me slightly, only the bitter anger left beneath, "Elijah, Why did you do it?"

Something sparked in his eye at the mention of his name. I had never said it aloud before to the beast, it felt as though I had just been plunged into an icy river, with no escape or safe haven to get away from his piercing stare.


He looked genuinely confused for a moment, thinking to himself. Did he even have a reason? Did he torture me for all those years for no real reason other then his sick mind told him so? I held the dagger even tighter in my hands, readying myself to strike.

He paused slightly, his lips twisting into a sickening smile.

"I just wanted to destroy something beautiful"

Kill him.

That was it, I lunged forward, raising the dagger high above my head. He didn't have time to react before I plunged the it deep into his chest.

He spluttered and coughed, flecks of blood splattering onto my face. But it wasn't enough.

I raised the dagger again and again and again.
I had lost all control.
Violent sobs racked my whole body, and all I could see was red.
It wasn't until Kaden pulled me away.

"Arden, that's enough, he's gone!" Kaden ordered, dragging me away. I threw my arms around his neck, crying into his shirt.

"It's over..." He whispered, "...He's gone."

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