50|Vita Post Mortem

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Three weeks

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Three weeks.
Three weeks since that fateful day.
Three weeks since the day that ruined everything.

Everything was so perfect, before he came.
He tore my life apart then came back for more.

He was not a man.
He was not a lycanthrope.
He was a beast.
Vile and deformed in nature. Twisted and marked with the devils signature upon his face.

He was wicked, a creature with no emotion except for hatred.

He said he loved me.
-He lied.

For that beast was incapable of love.

Three weeks.

My hands hovered slightly over my stomach, hot tears began to crawl down my cheeks.

Three weeks since he found me.

A broken sob escaped my lips, then all of my walls came crashing to the floor until vicious cries wracked my entire body.

Three weeks since I lost my baby.

Three weeks since he murdered my baby.

It felt like everything ended that day.
Innocent lives ended.
The monster was caught, locked up like the animal he was.
Death was too great a mercy for such a beast.

Though he was gone, visions of him still plagued my every waking moment.
I couldn't help but think, what if I hadn't gone out that day.
What if I had never left him in the first place, none of this would have happened. Kaden would find another to claim as his own, be happy with, raise pups with.

I clenched my fists to hold down the screams that threatened to break through the sobs. The primal being locked deep within me that wanted nothing more then to break free and destroy everything within her grasp.
But now I had failed Kaden.
I had lost his only pup.

The doctors said I could not bear any more children, that pregnancy would surly kill me due to complications from my miscarriage.

My wolf howled and cried along with me, we were both submerged, drowning in the waves of our own misery.

I had been having dreams as of late.
The same dream every night.

Pearlescent snow danced upon the window panes, and the wind blew a bitter breeze outside, swaying the barren trees.

Kaden, sat with a small boy on the floor, close up to the roaring flames of the heath, reading to him from a book.

Telling the boy stories of princes and princesses, of terrible beasts and brave knights.

Scarlet flames danced upon the fire, rising to lick the mantle. The air is warm, fighting off the wicked chills of winter that knocked on the windows, begging to be let in.

But then everything goes wrong.

The fire blows out and the windows fly open with a frightening crash, the panes shattering to the floor. Snow and wind invade the room filling it with their bitter cold kiss. Kaden moves to grab the child, but when he turns...

The child is gone.

The wind stills and the snow slowly fades.
The only sound being the distant cries of a child from somewhere deep in the snow.

Kaden roars in anger.

-And then the dream ends.

It always ends in the same place.
I never get to see how it all plays out.

I awake every morning drenched in sweat, breathing heavy and heart racing.

The sorrow that I had long buried deep within me came flying to the surface in a horrid storm of misery and despair. I clutched at my stomach, willing it to fill with life once more, tears twisting and distorting my vision.

Footsteps echoed through the hallways.
Someone was running.

The door burst open and Kaden came to my side.

"Arden, baby, please don't cry," Kaden begged, though I could see right through his facade of strength. Inside, he was just as broken as I was at the death of our unborn child.

"I can't do it." I sobbed, grief clawing mercilessly at my eyes and lungs, making it difficult to breathe, "I can't do it, Kaden."

He clenched his jaw, desperately trying to keep his grief at bay, "You have to Arden, we have to keep going for each other."

He was right.
How could I be so selfish as to only think of myself in this situation.

There was a life before our baby, and there will be a life after.

Kaden wrapped his strong arms around me, and I buried my head into his chest, simply listening to the steady beating of his heart.

"I love you." I whispered with tears in my eyes, my voice small and feeble, but I knew that he heard.

"I love you too, Arden."

Final chapterrr
Don't worry! There will be a epilogue, but it will not be the classic cliche of five years later and they have six kids and are happy blah blah blah.
I might come back and edit the ending a bit later.
Some of you probably hate the ending but sometimes you don't get to choose the way life turns, shit happens.
Don't forget to vote and comment!

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