Editing your Manuscript

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Oh man, I missed the mark this week. This weekend I was quite busy, totally engrossed in preparing, hosting, and marching in the Women's March on Washington. Sorry that I forgot to post, but here it is.

If there's one thing every single "here's how you digitally publish" article has in common it's the absolute, unwavering conviction that you need an editor.

But why? Because you can't write as well as you think you can. You're not as observant as you believe. And you're emotionally attached to your story. It's a hard reality to accept, but swallow that jagged little pill.

Editors have just one job: make your work better. And they have the toolkit to do just that. Even here on Wattpad, your followers can't make that claim, though they may have your best interests at heart.

Somethings are worth investing in. A good winter coat. A decent car. And a good editor.  If you want to find a good editor, this article is really the starting line, not the finish. It'll take a lot more research, which this article admits. But it's a really good place to jump in.

Have a go, start your research, and get the first few steps underway.

Rank: unranked - I have yet to look for an editor on my own. But I think this article has good info and is a great place to start.

Homework: start networking. Ask people you know or maybe friends here on Wattpad who have published their works if they have suggestions for an editor.

Link: https://www.google.com/amp/s/janefriedman.com/how-to-find-an-editor/amp/?client=safari

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