How Does Publishing Work?

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A lot of people on Wattpad dream of being published.  I'm among them.  So when I heard about this new podcast about a screen writer publishing a novel, and him documenting the process from start to finish, I was immediately interested.  So far I've only listened to the first episode, but it was very enlightening.  The guy is clearly telling a story, and is making a point of creating characters with motivation and backstory within the documentary of publishing a book.  That said, I'm already sick of his central metaphor, that he's still the same kid who got lost in the woods once because he found a trail and wanted to see where it goes (I swear to god, if I have to hear him say "I'm still that kid in the woods" one more time I'm going to smash my phone... so don't text me because he's definitely going to say it like a billion more times).  

It's entertaining, if intimidating.  This guy is already a known element in the writing world, so when everything comes together for him quickly it's kind of daunting to realize that will never happen to you.  But it's still great to see all the steps of the process, not just the ones we tend to focus on here on Wattpad, namely writing a good story and getting people to read and vote for it.

Rating: 0/4 It's not intended to help with your writing.  But that's ok, it's still really good.

Homework: Listen.


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