I'm Fine

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Chapter seven
The medical droid lead them to the room where Ezra was. When they came to the room Sabine ran straight to him. She looked at the bandage around his arm and then back at his eyes, he never looked so tired before. His eyelids were heavy but he was awake. She asked, "How do you feel?" He replied with a scratchy sound in his voice, after all he did just wake up, "It's just my arm." Zeb walked up without realizing that they were kind of in the middle of a moment and said, "You gonna be alright kid?" Ezra said, "Yeah, I think I'll be fine." Sabine was extremely relieved to hear him say this. Hearing Ezra say that he'll be fine made Kanan want to tell everyone what Ezra's injuries actually were, "Well, he'll be fine but he does have five broken ribs on the left and two on the right, his right wrist is broken and he's suffered from a minor concussion." Zeb was astonished at how well he was handling the pain, "Wow, you've gotta be tough to deal with that, how does your head feel?" "My head feels fine now." Ezra replied as he turned back to Sabine, she gave a little smile. Hera could tell that they needed some time alone, she gave a little tug at Kanan's arm then signaled Zeb to leave them for a awhile. Sabine gave a thankful look to Hera and then turned back to Ezra.

A/N so I hope you all enjoy this chapter let me know what you would like to see in the future!

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