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Chapter nine
    The next few weeks were dull and slow going for Ezra but Sabine came to see him often and Kanan's constant "verbal-training" gave Ezra something to think about- other than Sabine. Kanan was always reminding Ezra not to let his feelings for Sabine get in the way of his work for the rebellion. Hera did the same for Sabine. It was strange the way things had been going lately; there were still plenty of missions to coordinate, but still, for once the galaxy seemed quiet. However that was not the case. Beyond Chopper Base there was still a small war to be fought. This is why Hera didn't wait for Ezra to recover before sending anyone else on a mission. Sabine had been on a few simple typical ones, mainly steeling supplies and picking up rebel sympathizers.

    Ezra, now able to stand up straight with out any pain, was almost fully recovered. His ribs had mended themselves, the gash in his arm had mostly healed due to the many, many stitches in it, and his wrist was better but the medical droid told him that I would always be sore. This concerned Kanan, lightsaber fighting had a lot of wrist-bending and he hoped that Ezra wouldn't be in pain every time he used his lightsaber. Ezra was now out of the med-center and able to actually do things however, he was not sent on any missions.

    "So how've you been feeling?" Zeb asked. "Fine, no more pain. How bout you." Ezra replied. "Well to be honest I've been wondering," -oh no this couldn't be good Ezra thought- then Zeb finished, "whats up with you and Sabine?" Just as he had suspected, Ezra didn't really want to answer the question, he felt a certain awkwardness talking about his relationship with her. So he just said, "Well, what do you think?" This way he wasn't telling him anything but was in a way hinting that they were much, much closer than before. Then Zeb answered him, "I think you two are a cute couple and should move away to your own private planet and live happily ever after." Ezra went wide-eyed, "WHAT?! It was a rhetorical question!" "Oh come on kid who wouldn't want her and a private planet?" Zeb said as he turned to Sabine, who was working on the Phantom and was far enough away that she couldn't hear them. Ezra never saw this side of Zeb and he wished he never did. Maybe his first response wasn't so clever after all. Then Zeb asked one of the dumbest questions in the galaxy, "So do you like her?" "Of course I like her." He said. "And does she like you?" Zeb asked in a prying way. Ezra gave a big huff and then turn to Zeb and said, "Yes Zeb she likes me. Are you satisfied now?" "Not yet." Came the reply.

A/N sorry I ended it like this haha! Stay tuned for more of this sabezra story! I promise it will get romantic!


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