Back On My Feet

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Chapter Twenty-four
    Days passed and the medical droids were doing what they could to keep Sabine alive. Ezra stayed with her for all those days and didn't plan to leave her alone for the night. He truly believed that she would get better. He asked the droids how she was doing and if she was getting any better. They told him that her chances had improved significantly from 20% to 50%. This was very good news however, she wasn't better yet. Ezra continued to stay with her. They talked for some time about what they would do should she get better. They liked to be optimistic about it because when there's a will there's a way.
    In a few more days a droid came into the room, Ezra was still there. "We have concluded that you will make it. You may go home when you feel ready." The droid told Sabine. Hearing this Sabine and Ezra looked at each other. They were overwhelmed with joy. Ezra hugged her as tightly as he could without hurting her arm. They were both crying tears of joy! Sabine hugged Ezra even with stitches in her arm. "I love you!" She said to him. "I love you too Sabine!" Ezra replied.
    The Next day Ezra helped Sabine get back to the Ghost, which was as close to a home as they could get. Sabine still had a bunch of stitches in her shoulder so she tried to take it easy. The medical droid told her to be careful not to stretch and break the stitching. It also told her to get lots of rest. Even though it didn't seem like she needed anymore of that.
    Time passes and Sabine regained her strength. When the stitches were finally taken out, they left a huge scare. She suspected that would be the last scare she would get.
    Ezra and Sabine were sitting in her room, Sabine was working on her jet pack and Ezra was fiddling with some random junk. He looked up at her, she was cutest when she was focused, "When do you want to get married?" Ezra asked Sabine hoping that she hadn't changed her mind. She looked at him and smiled. "Soon as possible. Maybe in a few days." He was relieved to hear that. They still hadn't told the rest of the crew about it. "Should we tell them?" Sabine asked. Ezra looked at what he was doing and then back to Sabine, "Yeah I guess we probably should do that." They stopped what they were doing and walked to the door. Then they stopped, "So are you gonna tell em?" Ezra asked. Sabine rolled her eyes and laughed a little then walked out the door. "What? I don't see what's so funny." Ezra called to her. Kanan and Hera had been married for just over a year now. They tried to keep it as secret as they possibly could. Even Commander Sato didn't know. Ezra and Sabine went into the main room where everyone else was just sitting minding their ow business. Ezra and Sabine sat down on the couch. "," Ezra started, "we...have something important to tell you guys." They all turned to him. This was harder than he thought. "What is it, Ezra?" Kanan asked. Then Ezra said, " see.." Sabine knew this wasn't going to get anywhere, "Ezra and I have decided to get married." No one knew what to say. "Really?" Hera asked in a somewhat excited voice. "Yeah, really." Ezra said. "Congratulations champ." Zeb said. "Thanks bud." Ezra replied. "When are you getting married?" Kanan asked. "In a few days." Sabine replied. "Well congratulations to both of you." Hera said as she hugged Sabine.
    And so the planing began. They didn't want to where fancy clothes, or have a ton of people come. They just wanted it to be private and peaceful. And as much as they wanted to enjoy it, it needed to be quick.

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