Very Well

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Chapter Thirty-four
     Sabine found Ezra sitting outside. She sat next to him and put her arm around him. "Hera said we should talk to Sato again, she agrees with you." Ezra didn't to look at her. He just stared off into the distance. Sabine could see tears forming in his eyes, she didn't want him to worry. "Ezra-" he cut her off, "Let's just go tell him." He said as he turned to her, forcing a smile.
    When they found Commander Sato Sabine went up to him and said, "Commander," he turned to her, "Yes Sabine?" He replied. She looked back at Ezra and then back at Sato and continued, "I can't go on this mission." Sato looked at Ezra and then asked Sabine, "Why can you not go?" Ezra stepped in, "Commander, I had a vision last night, if she goes on this mission she will....she will die. If you want her to live, then find someone else to do it." Sato was starting to give in, "Suppose I did send someone else, what-" Ezra interrupted him, "Suppose? Commander Sato, are you really considering sending her on a mission that could potentially destroy her?" "Ezra Bridger! If you don't mind. I am in charge of this mission. I was going to ask what the fate of her replacer would be." Sato said. "Well I don't know but if we know that a death will occur then why should we send that person, which in this case is my wi-er Sabine." Sato went wide eyed. Ezra hadn't changed his word early enough. "Wait a minute, you are.." He stopped and looked at Sabine, she nodded. "Well then." he said "I guess if you're that convinced, I'll just send Zeb with the A-Wings." Then he left. Sabine was leaning on the holoprojector and Ezra was standing just a few feet away. They look at each other. Sabine got up and walked over to him. He held her tightly, "Thank you." Sabine said after all Ezra did just save her life.
    Sure enough when Zeb went on the mission, most of the A-Wing pilots were killed and Zeb barely escaped with his life. Even though Sabine was safe (Ha, sorry Zeb no one cares about you😅😇) Ezra was still terrified of what could have happened to her had the force not revealed it to him. Ezra had a hard time recovering from what happened but over a few days it passed and things were back to normal.
    Ezra had been working hard trying to help repair the damaged A-Wings. One night when he got back Sabine wasn't feeling well. "I'm fine Ezra, it's probably just food poisoning or something." She said. "Alright, well try and get some rest." Ezra said to her sweetly. He left their room and went into the main room where Kanan was sitting. It looked like he was doing some important meditating or something like that so Ezra tried to leave but Kanan called him back, "Ezra?" "Uh, yeah Kanan?" He replied. "I'm not meditating. You wanna have a talk?" Kanan asked. "Um yeah sure why not, why not?" Ezra replied as he sat down. And they just talked about random things until they got tired and went to sleep.

Then a day or two passed. Yeah, sorry for that but I need it to work. Lol.

A/N so what did you think? That's all. 😅 k bye.

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