Four years later

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Chapter Twenty-nine
    Dawn was 4 years old now and could already use the force pretty well. A lot of time she would end up spilling things while she did her little force pushes. Hera found it harder than expected to be a mother and lead the rebellion. But she made it work and Kanan helped by keeping Dawn occupied with force training, not that she needed it, and training her with a miniature training saber. Things weren't anymore dangerous for them than they already had been so that put everyone's mind at ease. As a matter of fact no one really knew wether the Empire knew about Dawn or not. They didn't make it known to many people that they had a daughter, although it was a bit obvious to the people who saw Hera often.
    One night Ezra could tell that Sabine needed to talk, even though she didn't say anything, he just knew when she was feeling down. When they were alone Ezra held Sabine close and said, "Whats wrong?" "Nothing Ezra, I'm fine." She replied. He knew that wasn't true, "No you're not, I can tell." Sabine was in a mood. "Don't think that just because you're a Jedi you know what I'm feeling." Ezra was surprised, he didn't want to make her upset. "Sabine, I'm not using mind tricks. I know when you're not happy, I can see that you maybe a little sad. Now tell me, what's wrong." Sabine let out a sigh. "Ezra, you know what's troubling me. Now that Dawn is here I really don't see any trouble, there's no danger. Or at least I don't see any." Ezra understood completely and honestly he felt the same. Neither of them were jealous of Kanan and Hera but seeing how happy they were with Dawn made them believe that it wasn't as dangerous as they thought it would be. "I understand Sabine and I agree, there's no harm. I think it's safe and if you want a baby...." He stopped. He figured he didn't have to say anymore. Sabine was happier than ever to hear this. They both went to sleep that night with the comforting thought that they would someday be parents.
    Dawn had often asked her dad if she would ever get a sister or a brother. The usual answer was, "I don't know sweetheart. Maybe you should ask Ezra or Sabine about that one." Even though he meant it as a joke she still went to Ezra and said, "Ezra," with her cute baby voice, "Daddy says I should ask you if I will ever get a sister. But that doesn't make sense to me because you're not my daddy." Ezra looked up at Kanan, "Really?" He asked. Then Dawn continued as she shook Ezra's knee to get his attention, "My birthday is coming up and you wanna know what I want?" "What?" Ezra asked. Dawn pulled him down to her level and whispered in his ear, "A sister!" Ezra laughed as he picked her up, "Is that you want?" Dawn giggled and nodded her head. "Well I don't know about getting one for your birthday but maybe a little after that. Alright?" Ezra said as he put her back down. "OK!" She said as she ran off to go play.
    For the rest of the day Ezra really thought hard about what Dawn had asked him. Even though if he and Sabine did have kids they would actually be Dawn's sister or brother they would probably become close enough to be considered siblings. He told Sabine about it and she thought it was cute but when she thought about it more, she took it more seriously.
    The next morning Hera had a mission for Ezra and Sabine. They were to go to Lothal to recruit new members for the rebellion. It was a simple mission but a mission none the less. They would be staying on Lothal for 2 nights. Kanan dropped them off so that the Empire couldn't track the Phantom had it stayed there over night. Stayed in a different city than where they usually were. They stayed in a random "hotel" under false IDs so that the Empire couldn't track them if something went wrong.

A/N so what do you think will happen? Will the mission be a success? Keep reading to find out.

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