The New Recruits

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Chapter Thirty
That night the recruits had not yet arrived on Lothal and so Ezra and Sabine had one night and one room all to themselves. When they got to their room, they both had the same thought. They put their things down and rolled into bed with arms wrapped around each other. Ezra noticed the scar on Sabine's shoulder from her last accident and began to think. 'What if I can't protect her? What if I fail?' Sabine brought her face to hers. "You OK?" She asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just don't want you to get hurt." He replied. "I won't get hurt. I have you." She said in a reassuring way. They stayed in the room for the rest of the night.
Ezra woke up with Sabine in his arms. 'Well that night went a litter different than I thought it would have' Ezra thought to himself. It was early and he didn't want to wake Sabine up. He gently pulled his arm out from under her and covered her with the blanket that had ended up on the floor. Ezra went to a separate part of the room to change. Then Sabine woke up. She turned over half sitting up to see that Ezra had already gotten up. She fell back down into the bed and looked up at the ceiling and thought about the mission.
Later that day the two of them were waiting in a random alley for the recruits. The alley they were in was apparently 'Off limits' for what reason, they didn't know. "Why would we be told to wait in an alley that's off limits?" Ezra asked. "Why you asking me? Just ask the recruits when they get here." Sabine replied. Something didn't feel right. Why would they be told to wait in an alley that was off limits by the Empire? It was like someone was trying to get them caught. Then it hit him! Someone was trying to catch them. The Empire? No, a bounty hunter. Ezra looked around cautiously. Then he stopped and closed his eyes. He focused on what he was looking for, and it was all clear. He saw...a Mandalorian? No it wasn't. It was Boba Fett! Ezra opened his eyes. He knew the hunter could see him and worse, he could see Sabine. Ezra had only seen him through the force so he didn't know where exactly he was. But he was close. Ezra grabbed Sabine's arm and pulled her close to him and whispered in her ear, "It's a set up." "What?" She said sounding surprised. "The bounty hunter Boba Fett is watching us and probably has us marked." He said to her in a serious voice as he looked around. "Ezra what's going on? How do you know this?" "I saw him through the force. Sabine, we're trapped. He led us here so that we would have nowhere to go." He explained. Sabine's heart raced as she thought of what might happen next. She didn't know if in the next second she or Ezra would get blasted in the back. "So what do we do?" She asked trying not to sound scared. "He's waiting for us to leave, then he'll shoot. I want you to stay here but be ready to run. I'm gonna start walking away and when he shoots, if you hear me say anything then you run as fast as you can while firing at him. I know it's risky but I would do it if I thought you'd get hurt." Ezra told her. She nodded and kissed his lips for what could very well be the last time she did so. She watched Ezra walk down the alley and sure enough, a shot was fired! In a split second Sabine looked up to where the shot came from and it was indeed Boba Fett, on of the most dangerous bounty hunters in the galaxy. "SABINE!" She heard Ezra yell, and just as he had told her she ran as fast as she could to cover, put on her helmet and began firing at the hunter. When Boba Fett saw where she was he took one shot and hit her in the face! She yelled and fell backwards and hit the wall. She wouldn't die that was for sure, after all she had her helmet on. "No!" Ezra yelled. He realized that she would be OK but he still didn't like the fact that someone just shot his wife in the face. Then all of the sudden, his hand was shot! He yelled out in pain for a brief moment. His saber flew out of his hand and before he could get it Fett kicked it out of reach and out of sight. Ezra pulled out his blaster but couldn't get a shot before the hunter flew out of sight as well.

A/N wow another really long chapter. What did you think?

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