The Vision

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Chapter Thirty-three
    That night Ezra had a nightmare about Sabine dying. He woke up, "SABINE!" He called. He was covered in sweat and breathing heavily. Sabine awoke when she heard Ezra. He had had nightmares before and she had learned to tell him she was there before asking what it was about. "It's OK Ezra, I'm here, everything's alright you're OK." She said reassuringly as she rubbed his back. He just stared straight still breathing heavily. Sabine could feel his heart beating fast. She hugged him from the side and he put his hand on her arm. When she let go she turned his head to face her, "What was it?" She asked in a worried tone. "I saw you. I don't know where you were or what really happened but you were in a firefight and..." He stopped. He didn't want to scare her but he knew she had to know. Then he continued, "You were killed." There was a long silence before he said, "It wasn't a nightmare, Sabine, it was a vision. You can't go on that mission or you will be killed. I know it now." Sabine was mortified. "I'll tell commander Sato that I can't go. And no matter what he says, I promise I won't go." She said and she pulled Ezra to her and laid back down. She rested her head on his chest and held his hand to let him know that she was there just in case the nightmare came back. Sure enough it did. Ezra hardly got anymore sleep after the first time he woke up. He wanted to make sure Sabine got some rest so he snuck out of the room and just watched the holonet until the sun rose.
    When everyone came into the room he was in, the main room, they asked him why he was there. "I had a vision," He told them as he stood up, "and I don't want to talk about it." He said as he walked out of the room. Kanan and Hera looked at each other. Sabine walked into the room just as Ezra was leaving. She grabbed his hand and said, "You OK?" "Yeah, I'm-" he stopped and looked at the rest of the crew for a second and then continued, "I'm fine." Then he left. Sabine turned to the rest of the crew, "Do you know what happened?" Hera asked. Then Sabine told them, "He had another nightmare last night. He couldn't go back to sleep." "Poor Ezra," Dawn said. "Sometimes I have nightmares but Mommy and Daddy keep me safe." Kanan was holding Dawn and said to Zeb, "Can you take her and get something to eat?" As he passed her to him. Zeb and Dawn went into the kitchen. Hera, Kanan and, Sabine sat down. "Did he tell you about it?" Kanan asked. Sabine looked at them and then said, "He said it was about me, and that I was killed during the mission." "Wait, THE mission? You mean the one you're supposed to go on today?" Hera asked. "I think so, he kept telling me that it's not safe to go. Hera he's terrified that something is going to happen to me and I'd hate to prove him right." Sabine said to them. Hera and Kanan looked at each other, "Have you talked to Commander Sato?" Kanan asked. "I told him how Ezra felt yesterday but, he just said that Ezra's probably nervous and needs some rest, but I don't think that's it." Sabine said. "Well talk to him again and this time bring Ezra with you." Hera said, she had a worried tone in her voice now. "OK, I'll go get Ezra." Sabine replied as she left the room.

A/N Ha sorry I had to stop it here but don't worry bc by the time you read this chapter 34 will be out. So give me your thoughts!!

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