It's More Dangerous Than You Think.

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Chapter Eighteen
    Sabine was on her way to Lothal to steal the data Governor Pryze had. She knew it was a dangerous mission, especially since she had recently gotten of Pryze's bad side.
    When she got to the factory she quickly changed into the imperial uniform Hera had somehow managed to acquire. Honestly Sabine was discussed by the fact that she had to where their nasty uniform, it was so plain, so boring, it had no color. But that was a minor detail and there was a big challenge ahead of her.
    As soon as she got in the building, she immediately made her way for Pryze's office. As she got closer the security got heavier and so she tried to keep a low profile. When she got to the office she opened the door to it, I thankfully there was no one inside. She got the data, put the chip in her pocket, and and headed for the door. However when she opened the door Grand Admiral Thrawn and Governor Pryze were standing right there! Sabine kept her head down and said, "Oh, sorry governor, I as just looking for you." She thought fast about what she would say next while Pryze said, "And what did you need me for?" "You're need end in section A-19." She replied without hesitation. Governor Pryze suspected that this was a trick, "What's your name?" Sabine knew she was caught so she grabbed her blaster and stunned Thrawn (yes I know Ezra couldn't hit him but whatever)and pushed Prze to the ground as she ran as fast as she could down the hall.
    Ezra was back on the ship with Kanan standing by until they got word from Sabine, and they did.
    She pulled out her comm link, "EZRA! I have the data chip but Pryze knows I'm here and probably has every stormtrooper on the ship looking for me. I need a pickup now!" "We're on our way!" He said back to her.
    When Sabine turned around the corner she was still talking to Ezra, "I'm gonna try to get to an escape pod and then I'll-" she stopped talking. "Sabine? Sabine!? Can you here me?" Ezra called to her. She couldn't hear him, she had been shot!

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