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Clarke Griffin.

"What kind of stuff does Lexa teach you anyways?" I ask Aden as we walk down a trail.

He glances backward at Lexa who is at the very end talking to Franky.

"Heda teaches us what it will be like when one of us becomes commander, how to handle it."

He glance back at her again and then at the NightBloods around us and then his eyes fall on me.

"So what about you Clarke? What kind of stuff is Heda teaching you?" He grins.

My cheeks flush and I look away.

"Oh come on Clarke, I may be young but I'm not dumb. Especially not when I'm the most promising of Heda's students and we talk a lot." He smiles and glances back at the Lexa.

"The other day I walked in and saw her bow to you. Don't take that as a light gesture, she's the commander of the twelve clans and she was bowing to you. Her power is all she's got to show you how much she cares about you without crossing the line."

I smile at the memory.

"What about you Aden, romantically involved with anyone?" I ask to get off the subject.

"No, Titus wouldn't allow it."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"To be Heda is to be alone." He says in a mocking voice.

"Aden! Your not talking Clarke's head off our you?" Lexa yells from the back of the line.

Aden laughs.

"Don't worry! I'm just telling her embarrassing stories about you." He laughs harder.

So peaceful these kids our, yet so mature and wise. When I was their age on the Ark I was not very Mature or wise, but definitely peaceful. On the Ark we were all peaceful we weren't worried about enemy threats or running out of air, at least not when I was the age of the NightBloods.

These kids will all die, except the one that takes the throne, they were born and snatched away from their parents trained their whole lives. They have to grow up with kids like them and then murder each other in the Conclave. They don't get a choice to be commander they either do it or die.

It takes a second to dawn on me, that was Lexa's life too.

~Clexa~ Not the end, the beginning.Where stories live. Discover now