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I start walking through the woods I'm make it last the woods clan and I run and run until I make it to Arkadia and once I finally make it there I stand outside of the walls looking through the creeks its doesn't look to packed.......

I break off part of the wall and slide in I make it inside of the main part of the ark and hide in a random room when guard walk my way.

I glance around at room I'm in.

I'll wait until dark to look for Clarks there's too many people walking around here.

I walk over to a chest in the middle of the room.

I slowly open it and inside is a blanket underneath that is a coat, I pick up th coat and a necklace fall out of it.

I pick it up and examine it.

It's Lincolns. I can't wait to  see him soon. Me him and Luna used to be so close.

I make myself a promise at that moment that I would find Clarke and spent more time with Lincoln and I would visit Luna and I would go back and visit Titus.

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