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Clarke and I enter the hallways. A couple doors down is the throne room but luckily Kane is standing outside the doors. He sees us and immediately walks up to us. He looks confused when he's sees me.

"How-" he starts

"No time." I cut him off.

"Clarke stay here with Kane for just a minute while I run to my room and grab something." I tell her.

She grabs my arm.

"What did we just talk about."

I take her head in my hands.

"Trust me. I'll be back in just a minute."

She protests but Kane takes my side and together we persuade her to stay.

I get in the elevator and instead off going to my room I head to the battlefield of the conclave.

I can't let Octavia fight in the conclave if she dies Clarke will blame it on herself. And I'd rather have her mad at me than blaming herself.

~Clexa~ Not the end, the beginning.Where stories live. Discover now