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"It's Time Lexa." Anya says walking into my tent.

My heart skips a beat but I get up and follow her out and into the vehicle.

We arrive in polis and she walks my into to big building.

We enter a room and I look around at the other NightBloods I've met them before.


We meet eyes. She comes over and hugs me.

She looks scared actually she looks terrified.

The adults leave the room and us NightBloods all exchange a glances some of sorrow, fear, envy, exhaustion, relief, panic, and mostly a look of understanding.

People come in and take up each out separately and once were fully armored and set we meet back up with our mentors.

"Hey look at me. You are gonna win this Lexa. TriKru deserves this. You deserve this after all you been through go out there and give it your all. Make your clan proud." Anya tells me.

I follow the other NightBloods into the arena. A man awaits on the stage.

"I'm Titus. I am the Flamekeeper, And today one of you will become Heda and I will be you protector."

The crowd that consists of people from every clan cheer.

"Today we will honor the previous Heda as her spirt find the new Heda. LETS BEGIN."

~Clexa~ Not the end, the beginning.Where stories live. Discover now