1: The Arrival

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As the train came to a slow stop, the clicks of the wheels became quieter and more far apart. Draco Malfoy sat in his own compartment upon the Hogwarts Express... secluded from everyone else on the train.

He had closed the blinds on his door and sat alone with a book, occasionally glancing up to the moonlit, starry sky above him. For a moment, he would forget where he was, who he was and what he had done.

For a moment, he was still the innocent eleven year old who once sat on this very train. Just a boy, completely oblivious to what repulsing deeds he would commit in the next six years of his life. He wished he could go back and start again. But he can't. He was stuck here, with blood on his hands and demons in his head. He was a monster. He was a mess.

Finally the train came to a complete stop and students of all ages rushed out of the train. People could be heard talking and yelling. Laughter rang out joyously from everywhere. People walked with friends or large groups of people cheering and babbling on about the school year.

All for except Draco. He walked on the outskirts of the crowds, alone. One hand shoved in his coat pocket and the other lugging his trunk behind him. His platinum blonde hair, which use to be stiffly slicked back, now hung in his eyes. Some would think he's trying a new look, but he simply didn't care about his appearance anymore. The reputation he held in his previous school years was nothing like the one he had earned himself now. Monster, coward, murderer, every cuss word imaginable. But worst of all, the one that haunted him the most, was Death Eater.


The label he will never be able to shed, for it was permanently stained into his arm to remind him... and anyone else who saw it. Long sleeves were his only friend now a days. The only thing to hide the piercingly black snake wrapped around a skull was itched into his pale skin. A Dark Mark, a horrific sight to see. But most people already knew who he was and what he had done. Unless they lived under a rock, everyone in the Wizarding Community had read about The Malfoy's in the Daily Profit.

Everyone knew what he had done. That his father was sent to Azkaban and his mother had locked herself away at home. Everyone knew he was alone, with nothing left to live for. A part of him wished he had been slaughtered in the war like so many others had. A part of him wished he had offed himself. But there was still a part of him, being the coward he was called, that was too scared. He just couldn't do it. But perhaps it was for the better.

For when he walked into the building he once called home, a sense of delight bubbled up through him. It was not enough to make the corners of his mouth turn up into a smile... not even his infamous smirk. But it was, just enough, for him to regain just a touch of light into his stone cold eyes. Those icy gray eyes seemed to show the slightest bit of warmth. If even for just a moment.

The blessed aroma of Hogwart's food filled his senses and his stomach suddenly growled in anticipation. The candles floating above him seemed to relax his rigid frame... and as he slumped into his seat at the very end of the Slytherin Table, he felt home. A word that had not had any meaning to him in a long time.

After McGonagall gave her speech the food magically appeared in front of him. He began eating, almost against his will. He had not eaten a real meal in so long, the taste was foreign yet familiar all at once. He was thankful to be back, but that happiness didn't last long.

"What do you think you're doing back here?" A voice snapped with a harsh, angry tone. He slowly looked up to see the redhead in front of him. Ronald Weasely. Of course he would pick a fight on the first day back. "McGonagall must have gone mad to let you back here!" He spat and was already stomping over to Draco when another voice rang out.

"Ronald! Leave it would you!"

Draco's eyes suddenly flickered to the owner of the feminine voice. "Mione, you really want a bloody Death Eater in our school?" The red head yelled at his friend. Hermione was making a B-line for him and when she arrived she spoke with fury.

"Would you stop making a scene? This is not how I planned our first meal back going!" Hermione grabbed his arm and harshly dragged him back over to where they were sitting. Draco could also make out something to the regards of "You bloody idiot!" before her voice was lost among the other chatter around him. Harry Potter was pinching the bridge of his nose when the duo sat down again. Draco could no longer hear what was being said but Granger was still feisty as ever in his opinion.

After she was done scolding the redhead she looked over to Draco Malfoy. The Slytherin looked very depressed all alone at the end of the table. But suddenly, it was cold ice against warm brown. He had looked up and caught her gaze. Hermione simply shot him an apologetic look before going back to minding her own business.

She sighed and ate the rest of her food. She tried to shake the feeling of sympathy for the boy who had no choice. She wondered why she would feel that way towards someone who had attempted at making her life miserable. But she made the excuse it was because his parents were gone. Right, of course. She just felt bad because, well, she could relate.

Once the feast ended and all the students, young and old, began heading to their Common Rooms. Excitement and anticipation practically vibrated from the First years. While other years were excited to get unpacked and go to bed. Everyone made their way to the different Houses with different friends and attitudes. But only one thing was on Draco Malfoy's mind.

'Why did she look at me like that,' he thought.  With big doe eyes, shooting an apologetic look. The warm chocolate orbs that seemed calming for the moment he gazed into them. But he shook his head and kept it down, walking alone... down flight after flight of stairs. All the way to the Dungeons, the place he knew as home, the Slytherin Common Room.

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