11: Unexplainable Feelings

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Draco felt horrible. Depressed, cold and like all the happiness in the world was gone. He slowly opened his eyes, but closed them because of the bright lighting above him. Eventually he got his eyes open and sat up, his hand flying to his head in pain from the immense migraine he had. 

He looked around him, he was in the Hospital Wing. Draco looked to the left of him and saw the girl who he'd do anything to save. He didn't care about his head anymore. He got out of his bed and walked over to her, taking her icy hand in his. He was immediately filled with warmth. Even though she was cold and pale, he felt hopefulness seep back into him. He didn't understand how she could do that to him, but she did. 

He just prayed that when she woke, she too could feel warmth again and that his Patronus wasn't too late. His Patronus. He cast his Patronus. All because of her. Bloody hell, what was she doing to him? 

"Mr. Malfoy! You're awake!" Draco heard a voice behind him. He turned to see Madam Pomfrey. "Sit!" She told him and he sat back onto his bed. "How are you feeling?" She asked, handing him a piece of chocolate. 

"I'm fine." He kept his eyes trained on Hermione. "Is she okay?" Draco asked the older witch.

"She will be." The woman said. "Anyone to get the Dementor's Kiss is lucky to make it out with their soul still light. She'll definitely been down for a few days, probably not herself, but she should return to her old ways within a week." Madam Pomfrey explained as she walked over to the girl, placing another heating charm on her. 

Draco nodded, but still watched the sleeping girl. 

"If you feel alright, you're free to go." The woman said as she headed towards her Office. 

"Could I stay with her?" Draco's voice was quiet but pleading. Madam Pomfrey raised a confused eyebrow but answered anyway. 

"Normally I'd say no, that I need you out of the way. But since it's Holiday Break and we rarely get anyone I'd say that's alright. But don't be in the way Mr. Malfoy." She said sternly and walked into her office, closing the door behind her. 

Draco stood and went back over to her bed, pulling a chair over. He ran his hand over her cheek before holding her hand in his again. He almost laughed. Look at them, just like a few months ago. Except now he was the one holding her hand and stress eating chocolate. 


Hermione's eyes flickered open. The first thing that registered in her mind was the aching pain that throbbed throughout her entire body. The next thing was the sleeping blonde boy sitting in a chair beside her bed. The third was that he was holding her hand. And even though she felt unbelievably hopeless and depressed a sense of lighthearted happiness filled her at the sight. She even mustered a smile. 

The events of what had lead up to this flooded her mind and she felt the darkness slip back into her mind. She looked around, she was in the Hospital Wing. But how did she get there? She looked back to Draco who slept soundly. His face was peaceful, free of any strong emotion. 

"Malfoy..." Her voice was soft and meek, almost too quiet to hear. He only stirred. "Malfoy." She said a little louder, but not much, her voice was raspy and barely audible to anyone more than a foot or two away. 

Draco's eyes flew open and looked down to the girl. "Merlin, Hermione you had me scared!" He gasped, a hand flying up to her face, his thumb brushing her cheek. She furrowed her eyebrows and he was snapped back into reality. He backed off, his hand leaving her face. He cleared his throat, "I mean honestly Granger... You alright?" He corrected himself, using her last name again. 

"I-I'm okay." Her voice was still soft as she carefully sat up in her bed. Draco went to take his hand off of hers but she clutched onto it, as if begging him not to let go. So he didn't. "What happened?" She looked up at him with her doe brown eyes. 

His heart nearly melted at the gesture. He mentally cursed himself. 

"Well..." He explained the events from his point of view. As he explained it, he realized just how scary it actually was. He thought he was going to lose her. Hermione looked fearful throughout the story, as if hearing it sparked the memories back. By the time he finished her eyes were brimmed with tears. "It's okay thought, you're safe now Granger." He squeezed her hand reassuringly. 

"You saved my life..." She breathed, "Thank you Draco." Her hand pulled from his as she wrapped her arms around his neck. It felt like his heart did a flip inside his chest. He hated the effect she had on him. Or maybe he loved it. He didn't know anymore. He just let his hands find her waist and gently wrapped his arms around her. She buried her face into the crook of his neck and closed her eyes. He breathed in her scent, like old parchment and a floral scent he couldn't place. She felt so small in his arms, so delicate, something he never wanted to break. 

He was terrified. Because suddenly, his plan to keep her away from him to protect her was nonresistant. He just wanted to be with her. He didn't want this to be the last time she was in his arms. 

Which was absolutely horrifying. 

A/N: Sorry this one is so short, I hope you all are enjoying it so far though! Thank you guys SO much for the support, you guys absolutely rock! <3 xx

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