23. Restricted Section

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"As thrilled as I am to see you both, I am quite concerned that you are here." McGonagall said sternly, her face knitted into pursed lips.

"I know you said not to look for th-" Ginny began.

"- and I meant what I said. Not for the school's safety but for their own!" Hermione had never seen McGonagall so upset before. "Though the school may be safe among peers, it is a very public place!" The older witch continued. "I fear they'll be exposed here."

Harry was pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration, knowing it was a bad decision to go after them. But he didn't regret it, they saved Hermione, that's all that mattered. But as the Head Mistress continued her speech, Harry began wondering what exactly they would do to continue to protect the duo.

Draco had a gentle hand on Hermione's back, concealed from the Head Mistress but clear to Harry, who was standing behind him. He felt himself tense at the sight. He knew the Slytherin had changed, but Hermione still was after all, his best friend and adoptive sister.

"Now... clearly your attempt in hiding did not go as planned," Harry zoned back in as the professor spoke. "So I can't exactly send you back out to get killed. You will remain here..." she looked over her glasses at the four students, "you're strong fighters and you'll help protect the other students here. But with that being said, I will contact the Ministry. What a mess..." the woman sighed deeply before sitting down at her desk, "dismissed."

The quartet walked out of McGonagall's office into the corridor silently.

"This is insane." Ginny muttered, looking at the floor. "We just ended one war and now there's another." She shook her head. Harry slipped his hand into hers comfortingly, which earned a slight smile from the red-head.

"Will you be alright in the Slytherin Dorms?" Hermione asked quietly, just for Draco to hear. He nodded, but said nothing.

Hermione looked up at the boy, worry in her eyes, "I'll be fine Hermione." He told her.

Hermione noticed Harry was looking at them, his eyebrows furrowed in what seemed to be anger. She squeezed Draco's arm before she turned to Harry as they walked, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you..." she sighed.

"I understand Hermione. I'm not upset... just, disappointed." He replied as he rubbed his chin. "I forgive you." He gave her a half smile, which she returned, giving him a side hug as they walked.

"Thank you Harry." Hermione returned to walking in between Harry and Draco, who seemed to tense.

"Ron though, will be a whole other story." Harry sighed.

"He's going to be livid I'm sure." Ginny commented.

"That's the least of our problems right now." Draco spoke up, frustration ridden in his voice.

Hermione gave him a concerned look. They all stopped and looked at the blonde who seemed livid himself.

"You lot are all worried about a relationship and forgiveness while we're being hunted! If we don't stop this, Bellatrix is going to keep taking lives. There won't be anything to forgive because we'll be dead if we don't do anything!" Draco's voice raised as his anger got the best of him. Hermione reached out to him but he pulled away sharply. "I'm going to go think about what I can do to stop that bitch before she kills someone else." He snapped, turning away from the group and bounding down the hallway.

"Draco!" Hermione called after him. But he ignored her, turning the corner down the corridor.

She sighed deeply, shaking her head. Hermione understood his anger, but she hated how angry he was. Harry looked at her worriedly, a hand on the back of his neck, while Ginny walked over and put a hand on her shoulder. "He's just worried about you."

Hermione nodded, "I know... he's right." She breathed, her eyes still stuck on the spot where he disappeared.


Draco huffed as he opened a book in the library. No one was there, it was silent, not even Madam Pence was there. He sighed as he flipped through, knowing he wouldn't find anything on dark magic or Horcuxes in that one. Draco didn't know why he was trying to read something he knew had nothing in it. Maybe because he just wanted answers to be easy?

He took another glance towards the place Madam Pence always sat. She was probably gone on Holiday... Or out sick, because she was no where to be seen. So he headed for the restricted section.

When he got there, he felt cold wash over him. The Slytherin scanned over the books on dark magic and a small smile graced his features. He had read almost every one of these by the force of his father. 'Darkest Spells - Volume 2' and 'Every Potion a Dark Wizard could Need.' Draco felt a slight shutter wash over him as he remembered reading each of those books, alone in his room as he head screams on the floors below him.

But he continued on.

Draco stopped dead in his tracks when he saw a leather bound thick book, engraved with a dark mark. He had seen that symbol a million times, but never on a book. Let alone a book in Hogwarts.

He pulled it out and began flipping through. He wondered how a book like this had ended up here, in his school of all places. Death Eaters rules, things about the dark Mark, even war plans from the Final Battle. He then realized this was a recently published book. Some idiot really published a book since the war was won on what Death Eaters were like! What they did and there followings.

He sighed in disgust at the idiocy of some wizards and witches. Until his breath hitched in his throat.

There was pictures of his Father in Azkaban, him and his mother at the trial. As well as some of the other Death Eaters who went to Azkaban. But then... a photo of a picture frame. Clearly taken in his home when the ministry came to investigate. The picture frame held a photo of his mother and Bellatrix as children.

That's when everything has clicked.

The only thing that his aunt loved more than Voldemort, was her sister.

His mother.

Draco now knew exactly where he had to go now.

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