15: Alone

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The duo launched from their seats, both looking towards the door. Draco had a protective arm around her waist. If she had not already been preoccupied, Hermione would have smiled at the gesture.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Draco furrowed his eyebrows, loosening his grip on his wand.

"Don't suppose it was Moaning Myrtle, do you?" Hermione looked up at him sheepishly with a hopeful grin.

"You're rather cute sometimes Granger?" He smirked at her before walking towards the door. The bushy haired girl blushed and followed him. "We should make sure everything is okay." Draco added, turning the handle on the door.

"...Should I stay away from you?" Hermione spoke sadly. Her question made his heart drop.

"It might be safer that way," Draco took his hand off the handle, facing her. "Though I'd prefer to have you by my side so I can make sure you're safe." He explained to her, running a hand through his already messy hair.

"Then by your side is where I'll be." She smiled and opened the door, before he hand a change to. They walked out and headed down the corridor to find Professor McGongall running down the corridor as well. Draco had never seen the old woman run and he was honestly quite impressed with her speed considering her age.

"What's going on?" Hermione asked.

"A girl was attacked." The Head Mistress said with distress in her tone.


"Daphne Greengrass." They turned a corridor, heading for the Hospital Wing, "Dementors. Again. And there are still more outside, so I advise you two to find a safe place to hunker down away from windows until the Professors take care of the matters. I don't want either of you hurt again." The woman turned another corner, before gesturing for them to go, leaving them behind.

Hermione looked up at Draco with concern. They hurried down the corridor after McGonagall but halted at the sight of the Dementors. There had to be four or five of them, but a handful of teachers had them under control. Draco shook his head and frowned.

"I'm not letting you get attacked again." His voice was quiet but firm.

"Draco, honestly nothing is going to happen." She tried to assure him, gently wrapping her arm around his forearm in a caring matter.

His expressions were hard to read as he carefully pulled his arm away. Hermione furrowed her eyebrows worriedly at that. Draco sighed deeply, "let's just get you back to your common room." He began walking ahead of her towards the Gryffindor Tower.

"But... Don't you want to go back and read? It's not even afternoon yet." Hermione caught up to him, speaking with confusion.

Draco didn't answer, he just kept walking, his jaw clenched. The girl looked down at her feet and was silent until they reached the corridor before the Gryffindor portrait door.

"What's wrong?" She sighed loudly.

"What's wrong?" Draco snapped, turning to her angrily. "What's wrong is that if I'm around you, you'll end up getting hurt!" he sighed, collecting himself. He hated being angry, especially at her. "I'm sorry... I just, need some time to think. Alone. I've always been a loner anyway..." He gave a sad smile.

"You sure?" She looked up at him with worried eyes.

He nodded. "Come here first though." Draco stepped towards her and wrapped his arms around her. She melted into his embrace and hugged him back, putting her head on his chest. He placed a kiss on the top of her head and rested his head on hers for a few moments.

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