27: Nearly There

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"Where the bloody hell are they?" His voice exclaimed loudly, causing Ginny to make a face. 

"Ronald calm down!" She yelled. 

"I will not calm down! I go to see Charlie for 3 days, I get back and Mum tells me you all left, came back to school without me, Hermione nearly died and is now being hunted by Bellatrix, who now has Horcruxes we need to destroy, and her gang of bloody Death Eater's because she's become friends with Malfoy?!" He howled, Harry pushed his glasses on his nose before pinching it between his thumb and pointer finger. He knew he wasn't going to take the news well. 

"Ron slow down!" Ginny ran to keep up with Ron's bounding strides down the hallway. "I told you I don't know! She didn't come back to the Tower last night because she's making the potion!" 

"Bloody bollox." He exclaimed. 

"Ron, mate, we're sorry." Harry stopped him in his tracks. "We are but it was urgent, all that matters is Hermione is okay and we're working to destroy the Horcruxes!" 

Ron pushed past him, heading straight for the Room of Requirements. As he rounded the last corner to the door, he ignored Ginny's protests. He was on a mission. But that's when he saw her. 

Hermione opened the door to the hallway as Draco followed behind her when she heard running footsteps. She turned to her right to see a very angry looking Ron, a flaming Ginny and a concerned yet annoyed, Harry. 

"Best behavior." Was all she snapped out to Draco, who was momentarily oblivious to the upcoming situation. 

"What?-" was all he could get out before. 

"What the actual hell?" Ron's voice boomed throughout the hallway. 

"Shit," Draco whispered. 

 Hermione walked out further, exposing a narrow-eyed Draco behind her as the door to the Room of Requirements closed. 

"Ron, you're back," Hermione said with a certain kindness in her voice that Draco was impressed with, considering how the red-headed weasel was bounding her direction. 

"Oh save it! I can't believe you lot didn't tell me what was going on!" Ron finally landed in front of her, his chest rising and falling from the distance he strode. 

"I'm sorry Ron I am, so much has happened all too quickly and-" 

"And nothing! What the bloody hell are you doing with this prick?" 

"About that... Ron I-" 

"Are you holding hands?!" 

Hermione turned to Draco, who looked like he could punch out the boy at any moment. "Yes. Ron, we're um-" 

"Are you two together? You cannot be serious Hermione? That's the reason those slimy Death Eaters' are after you! Because he is one!" Ron was yelling so loudly that Hermione could feel a migraine coming on. 

"Now listen here weasel." Draco cut in, his voice low and menacing, a tone that Hermione did not miss hearing. 

"What? You going to curse me, Malfoy?"  Ron challenged. "Merlin's beard you people are ridiculous. Am I the only one sane here?" 

Harry sighed, "Ron enough." 

"No! It's clearly not enough I-" 


Hermione to see Ron fall to the ground. Behind him, Ginny had her wand pointed to his back. "Merlin it's too bloody early for this. I'm getting a bloody headache." She shook her head before levitating him off the ground. "I'm putting him in Gryffindor Tower. Meet up in 10 at McGonagall's, she has news." 

"Gods, I love you." Harry hurried after her. 


"I hear Mr.Weasley didn't have the most pleasant arrival this morning." McGonagall raised her eyebrows at the four students in front of her. 

"Yeah, the whole bloody school heard," Draco muttered, earning a look from the Head Mistress. 

"So what's the news?" Ginny interrupted, looking to the older witch. 

"Well, the Minister of Magic is willing to help us get into Azkaban quietly. Tonight. He only wants you two though," McGonagall stated, "He trusts you two the most and knows what you're capable of, Miss Granger, Mr. Potter I hope you understand what will be asked of you tonight." 

"What? No. They cannot go in there alone!" Draco stood in protest.

"I'm sorry Mr. Malfoy but it is not my decision, nor yours. This is the Minister's choice to help us at all, and it's this or nothing." The Head Mistress took a sip of tea before looking back to the group of kids. 

"We'll do it." Harry cut in. 

Hermione nodded, "yeah, just like old times, in, out and we'll be back before morning." 

"Hermione you can't be serious-" Draco started again, but she shot him a look that shut him up. The Slytherin shook his head and walked out of the office. 

"When do we leave?" Hermione asked. 


Hermione pushed a few more things in her beaded bag before shrinking it down to size and placing it in her pocket. "Draco, I'm sorry you can't come, I wish you were coming, but it's not our choice." 

"I understand why he doesn't trust me... but I don't want you going in there without me." The Slytherin replied standing as he watched her pack. 

"I protected myself long before you ever came along. Besides its one night, probably only a few hours. I'll be fine. Harry will be there and he'd never let anything happen to me, plus Shacklebolt and he's a great wizard." She turned to him, looking up at his stone cold expression. 

"Yes but it's the great, dark witch who's hunting you I'm concerned about, Granger." He snapped, pulling away from her gaze. 

"Oh don't get cold and use last names on me now." She walked over to him, prying his crossed arms open. "Look at me," She whispered. 

He looked down at her and Hermione wrapped her arms around him. "I'll be fine." Draco hugged her back tightly. "I'll see you in the morning." 

"Meet me when you get back, I'll wait for you in the Room of Requirements." He whispered in her hair. 

"Okay." She checked the time, "I have to go." Hermione knew she was meeting Harry and Shacklebolt at the front entrance at 9, it was 8:45. She started to pull away but he stopped her. 

"I love you." The boy whispered, before placing a kiss on her lips. 

"I love you too, Draco." 


"You can't be leaving without me!" Ron exclaimed, "it's always been us three!" 

"Ronald, Shacklebolt will be here any second, he made the plans with McGonagall, we need to do this. We'll be back by morning and we can figure out what to do as a group then." Hermione told him. 


A rush of wind pushed over the trio and Kingsley Shacklebolt stood in front of them. 

"Are you two ready?" 

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