22: Focus

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Hermione gulped down her fear and put the bravest face on that she could. Flashes back to Malfoy Manor flooded her mind but she stood strong. Bellatrix held her arm around Hermione's throat and though it was very uncomfortable, she could breathe. So she just focused on that, in and out. She looked straight to Draco, which was currently, her only hope. 

"How are you even alive?" Her 'hope' spat venomously. 

"The Dark Lord wasn't the only one who used Horcruxes, you stupid boy." Bellatrix snapped back, speaking as if Draco was the daftest person she'd ever met. 

Draco looked around the room for something, anything that could help the situation. But he had nothing. All he knew was his Aunt came back from the dead and was holding the woman he loved at wand-point. Bloody fantastic. 

"What do you want?" He asked, hoping to keep the attention on himself instead of Hermione. 

"Oh come on Draco, I think we both know what I want." She giggled, twirling a strand of Hermione's hair over her wand. Hermione flinched but kept her eyes trained on Draco, not daring to look to her capturer. "You betrayed the Dark Lord. You were one of the reasons we lost the war and for that, we're going to ruin you." She smiled wickedly, before muttering a curse. 

"NO!" Draco screamed as Hermione collapsed to the floor squirming in pain. But she didn't scream. She refused. Tears welled in Draco's eyes and he shot a curse at the woman in black, anger getting the best of him. 

Taken off guard, the witch barely blocked the spell. Draco shot another, that she too deflected. Bellatrix shot another curse at Hermione and a scream poured from her lips. Draco felt his heart break. He ran forward to block any more spells from the Gryfinndor and sent another straight at his aunt, sending her flying backward into the bookshelf. 

The spell was released from Hermione's body from Bellatrix losing concentration. Draco thanked Merlin for that. He stood and sent another spell at the woman on the floor while she was down, knocking her out. 

"Come on, Hermione." He ran to her, picking her up in his arms, as he had wished he had done less than year ago in his manor. He ran out into the snow and headed for the woods, hoping he could find a safe spot to have her recover before apparating. With the strength she had, wrapped her arms around Draco's neck to take some of the weight off his arms as he ran. 

"You never should have been here." He whispered to her, "I'm so sorry." 

"I'm right where I should be Draco." She muttered into his ear and he held her tighter, knowing he had to do better to keep her safe. He ran further into the woods until the tent was far from sight. 


"How are you feeling?" He asked as they sat on an old log. Not more than a half hour had passed since they had escaped his aunt. 

"Better, I think I could apparate soon." Hermione sighed, looking to him, "Draco this is not your fault." She grabbed his hand, squeezing it tightly. He simply nodded at her. 

Both of their heads turned at the sound of a cracking branch. The duo stood as they saw her step out of the shadows. "Thought you could get away so easily?" Bellatrix snickered. "You were wrong!" 

Draco sent a curse her way, that she deflected. 

"Avada-" Bellatrix's words were cut off by a wand sticking in the side of her throat. 

"Don't. you. dare." The red-headed girl stepped out from behind a tree, her eyes fierce. "Put it down." Ginny spat. 

And with that Bellatrix disappeared into a cloud of black smoke. 

"Ginny?" Hermione gasped. 

"Hermione!" Ginny ran over to the duo and hugged her friend. 

Harry stepped out from the tree as well and joined the two girls in a hug, "we were so worried about you." He spoke quietly before pulling away to look at Draco. "Now what the bloody hell is going on here?" 

"Harry don't be mad at Draco, he's done nothing but try to protect me through all of this nonsense." Hermione pulled away from Ginny and moved towards Draco. 

Draco managed a slight smirk at that, "yeah hear that Potter." He spat, taking Hermione's hand in his. 

"So you two then? That's why they've been after you 'Mione!" Harry exclaimed angrily. 

"Harry, that's enough!" Hermione snapped back. Draco snickered at her scolding her friend - his enemy. "You too!" She turned to the blonde with a disciplining finger raised. 

Ginny just looked at the mess in front of her. She was happy for her friend that she found someone. Though she hadn't seen them together she could already tell that she cared about him. "I agree with Hermione. The important part is that we found the both of you. We just need to get you back, we can discuss the rest later." She huffed at the lot in front of her. 

"After she's had a doctor look at her." Draco added. "But, I'm not going back." He looked down. 

"What?" Hermione turned to look at him.

"I'll just put you all in more danger." The Slytherin looked down at the girl before him. 

"Draco if they want to hurt you they'll come for me either way. Just come back with us. Where you can help protect me and fight alongside all of us. We can protect each other, Draco. Please." Hermione felt her heart clench as she spoke, begging him.

"Hermione-" Draco began. 

"She's right. We need more good fighters." Ginny added. 

Harry stayed quiet but nodded once, quickly realizing Hermione's feelings towards the boy. 

Draco sighed, "fine." Hermione breathed a sigh of releif at his words. "But if it gets worse because of me I'm going." He said firmly. 

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