25: The First Horcrux

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"You've got to be kidding. More Horcruxes? This is just like the bloody war all over again!" Ginny exclaimed angrily, pacing back and forth a few feet away from where the others sat at the table. 

"I agree it's upsetting, but if it's what will stop Bellatrix, then we have to destroy them." Harry sighed turning to his girlfriend before looking back to the other two. "How do we know if there's more?" 

"Well, we know about this one thanks to my mother," Draco said quietly, looking at the small ring in front of him. A silver band with a single black diamond in the center. Even for a ring, it looked dangerous. "And according to her, it was Bellatrix's engagement ring from before she married Rodolphus." 

Hermione carefully picked up the ring between two fingers, "it still baffles me how one little object can be so powerful." The brunette shook her head before placing the marriage token back on the table. 

"I know the feeling..." Harry pinched his nose. 

"Did she say anything else about more?" Ginny asked, even more impatient than before. 

"Well, she said that she knew about this one and that she was fairly sure that Bella's diary would have some clue to if there are any more." The Slytherin replied calmly, much to Hermione's amazement. 

"And where would that be?" Hermione turned to Draco again, her emotions reserved. Draco hated not knowing what she was thinking, so he paused, taking a long breath before responding. 

"All I know is she made her Horcruxes before the war." Draco began, "and my mum said that Bella told her she left it in Azkaban back during the war, she was pissed off about it or something. So we think it's still there." 

"In Azkaban?" Ginny practically yelled. 

"Most guarded place on earth," Harry noted. 

"Hiding in plain sight," Hermione added, looking to the Gryffindor boy. 

"Makes sense." Harry sighed. 

"But before we go searching for that one," Draco picked up the ring, "let's destroy this thing." 


The group headed for the girls' bathroom, to where the Chamber of Secrets was. Because if there was one simple way to destroy the ring, it was that. "Are you sure we shouldn't tell McGonagall?" Ginny asked for what seemed like the tenth time in the last 5 minutes. 

"Yes, Ginny. What's the matter?" Harry knit his eyebrows at her, confused at her worry. Normally she was so firey she had no time to be nervous. 

The group entered the bathroom and Draco made his way to the sink. "Well, I just... I don't know if I can go back down there Harry. It's been years but..." Ginny muttered with embarrassment. 

"Don't even think of worrying about it, love," Harry hugged her, earning a cough from Draco. "Just keep watch, okay?" 

Ginny nodded at him before kissing his cheek, "be careful." She reminded him. Harry nodded to her before making his way over to the other couple who waited at the entrance. 

Hermione pulled out her Parseltongue book and looked for the word 'open'. "Now I get to be the cool one." She smiled at Harry, knowing ever since Voldemort died, he could no longer speak the snake-like language. 

Whispering out the tongue-twisting phrase, the snakes moved one by one, opening the vault below. Hermione's hand slid into Draco's, earning a reassuring squeeze from him. "Right then," Draco muttered, ring in one hand, Hermione in the other, they headed to the vault. 

"Be careful," Ginny called to the trio as the descended down into the pit. 


"Merlin this place is just as awful as I remember it." Harry stood, keeping a watch as Hermione carefully pulled a fang from the Basilisk Skeleton. 

"I'll get an extra, just in case." She shrugged before putting one of the two fangs in her bag. Draco nodded at her, feeling a slight adrenaline course through him. He didn't like being down there, it felt cold and musky, but empty. Nearly too empty. The solitary feeling that would drive him mad if he were alone down there. 

"Let's get this over with," Draco muttered, wondering if he was bitter from holding onto the dark object. Hermione didn't seem to mind, thankfully. He gave her the ring, not wanting it in his clutches any longer. 

The Gryffindor set the ring down on the damp stone floor. "Anyone want the honors?" She asked, not particularly wanting to revisit the old memories. 

Harry tapped her hand with his, "for old time sake," he said. But she knew he was only doing it so she wouldn't have to. Hermione handed him the tooth and stood back with Draco, waiting for the chilling rush of darkness to release from the band. 

Harry placed the ring so he had a direct hit on the dark gemstone in the center. Raising his hand back, he struck the object, but the diamond resisted. He then turned the ring so he would penetrate the band, leaving only a dent. 

"Malfoy, wanna give it a go?" Harry asked, feeling dumbfounded. 

Draco walked over, taking the fang from Harry. Hermione furrowed her eyebrows in realization. Bellatrix was painfully smart. Diamonds are the strongest thing on the planet... and a diamond Horcrux would be even stronger. 

Draco stabbed the ring three times, with no avail. 

"I have an idea," Hermione spoke up. The two boys turned to her. "We can make Vitriol. That acid eats through anything. Then we can add the Basilisk poison. It should dissolve the ring to nothing. Hopefully." She spoke quickly, thinking as she went along. 

"Sounds like it could work," Draco agreed. He was impressed with her idea and being the potions whiz he was, he could see the logic behind it.

"The only problem is it will take two weeks to make." She noted as they headed for the exit. 

"You and Draco start the potion, Ginny and I will make a plan to get into Azkaban to get the diary." Harry looked at Hermione, who seemed on the same page. "Within two weeks, we can end this." 

Draco clutched Hermione's hand as they walked. He felt the nervousness flow through him as they heard voices come from above them. 


"Would you all like to tell me what is going on here?" McGonagall raised a narrow brow.


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