Chapter 3 (Edited) - Matchmaking 101

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Chapter 3 - Matchmaking 101

Rule number one in matchmaking guidebook,

1. Make the girl look hot.

I look at Chloe's reflection in the mirror and grin to myself. Her dark brown hair is tied up in an elegant bun, letting just a few strands fall elegantly just past her shoulders. A sleeveless black dress compliments her petite but curvy figure. Not counting the annoyed frown that was placed on her lips, she looked smoking hot.

I did a great job, didn't I? Actually I have always been a natural in the makeup department. Alexis usually lends me a hand though.

But no matter how much of an expert I an in changing people's looks, I can't change my look. Even so, I'm more than happy to make my friends look amazing.

I'm satisfied with the way I naturally look...Well kind of satisfied. I'm not perfect, yes. I have a few pimples popping out randomly. And I guess I'm slightly overweight too.

But true relationships aren't based on looks. Right? As long as I have these friends that will see my heart instead of my weight, I'll be fine.


I'll be fine.

Right? Who needs boys?

Anyways, back to the task at hand.

Rule number 2. Make girl go to the party.

Chloe huffs as she grudgingly trudges behind me. "I'm telling you I don't want to go to this stupid party!"

"That's what they all say," I say in a sing song voice as I get in my car.

"Stop reading those bloody books!" Chloe groans as she gets in behind me. The door slams shut with a loud bang. Geez, now she's taking it out on the car. Calm down, woman.

Laughing I start the engine. I'm wearing a baby blue dress that reaches my knees and my hair is in a loose bun. I look simple. And I'm fine with that. Today's all about Chloe after all!

It had been a disaster to convince her way too strict parents. I had to make up ridiculous lies like we were going to my house to study and things like that.

As if! The day I study will be the day Trump will do something non-stupid for god's sake.

"So let's go over the plan one more time."

Chloe groans loudly. "What did I do to deserve this God? Was it watching that porn? I swear it was an accident!"

Ignoring her I continue, "So you're the good girl who's being dragged into a party by her crazy best friend. Now you're somehow going to crash into the school's bad boy and catch his attention. With your sweet voice-"

Chloe growls.

"-and girly behaviour-"

She props her feet onto the dashboard.

"He'll- you're doing this on purpose aren't you?"

Chloe smirks. "Why ever would you think that?"

Sighing in defeat, I call Sam and put it on loud speaker since I was driving. "1,2,3 come in. Alpha 3? Come in."

The plan was that I would get Chloe out of her house, which wasn't easy for your information. And then after being brushed and polished in my house, we'll head to the party. Sam and Alexis will be arriving together since Alexis was also skeptical about this plan of mine and needed some convincing from my partner-in-crime called Sam.

I don't understand why though, Alexis has always been a sicker for romantic ships too!

Man, is my plan seriously that weird?

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