Chapter 19 - So I took a bottle of sleeping pills and popped them all.

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Dedicated to NoMoreBullying

Let me tell you one thing. Trying to enjoy yourself while having a moody Ryder groaning and glaring at everything you ever point at is not so much fun.

"You just ate a cotton candy!" he says glaring at the ice cream in my hand, "And you're going to eat an ice cream right after?"

"Wrong," I smirked and handed him an ice cream too, "We're going to eat an ice cream right after."

He glares at the ice creams in my hand with so much hatred you'd think they're his ex-wives who got the entire house in divorce.

I scowl at him, "You can mess with me but you can't mess with my ice cream, dude."

He reluctantly takes the ice cream I was holding out for him and sighs frustrated, "What is this thing? It's all pink and it's sparkling! What kind of ice cream sparkles?"

I huff, "Just try it."

Hesitantly he brings the ice cream to his lips.

Uh oh. Yeah, I didn't think it that far.

I gulp as I watch him part his lips. It's taking all I have to not grab a fistful of his hair and slam his lips onto mine.

I'm sure I'm drooling.

Man, I never thought that there will come a day when I'll be jealous of ice cream.

Suddenly he stops midway and shoves the ice cream into my hand, "No way. I can't eat that glittery thing!"

I snap out of my trance and clear my throat, "Y-you didn't even take a bite!"

Fortunately. Cause I'm one hundred percent sure I wouldn't be able to control myself then.

He rolls his eyes, "Why don't you just shove glitter down my throat?"

I give him an unimpressed look and walk over to the stall beside it, "Again, don't say something about my ice cream, Woods."

I lean on the counter and ask for some darts.

Yes, guessed right. I'm going to play Throw The Dart.

Ryder sighs and comes to stand beside me, "Oh man, now she's gonna throw darts. And who knows who's head it'll hit?"

I glare at him and shove my half finished ice cream in his hand, "Oh yeah? I'll show you!"

I take the first dart and prepare myself.

Putting one leg before my other one, I squint at the chart and throw.

"Missed," the bulky guy that is in charge if the stall  says in a bored voice.

Thanks Captain Obvious.

I throw an annoyed glance at him and pick up the next one.

"Missed," Ryder grins smugly as he leans on the wooden counter.

"Shut up!" I grit my teeth in embarrassment.

I go to pick up the next one but freeze when I hear a unfortunately familiar voice.

"Ry Ry!"

I close my eyes and sigh.

It's okay Lisa. They're just friends. Just friends.

Man, I hate jealousy.

I turn around and plaster a huge grin on my face. An overexcited Karin comes running and throws herself at Ryder, "Oh Em Gee! Ryder! I missed you so much!"

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