Chapter 10 - Me? Jealous? Pfft. I can't even pronounce the word!

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The rest of the week passes by in a blur of classes I can't remember for the life of me. I don't see much of Ryder these days other than in the very few classes we do share.

But though he wears leather jackets, rides on motorbikes and throws glares to almost everyone he doesn't miss ONE single class!

It just reminds me that how I shouldn't judge a person based on only their appearance.


My thoughts are interrupted by Chloe's whisper yelling.

I roll my eyes at her, "People sneak out of their houses to go on secret dates and alcohol filled parties. And you're sneaking out to buy a ice-cream? Not to mention on a weekend? Are you seriously real?"

She huffs impatiently as she tugs at my hand to make me walk faster, "Shut up and run! My parents will see us otherwise!"

I roll my eyes but oblige nonetheless.

Chloe's parents were really strict. Every time I went to her house her mom would always ask me which classes I was taking, how far my grades were falling, how many unlucky colleges that I wanted to go to. Safe to say, I didn't like them much.

But Chloe had it much tougher. Her patents' only goal in life was to make her a doctor. They didn't even give a flying fuck in what she wanted. So she wasn't allowed to go to parties or dates till she gets herself admitted into a nice medical school. It has been that way since we were kids.

She doesn't show it but I know she hates her present situation too. But she loves her parents too much to go against their wishes.

I think that's what we have in common.

We're both too busy acknowledging others' feelings to acknowledge our own ones.

I look at her and sigh, "Yeah okay. Fine. Its not like I had anything better to do with my Saturday like going to some fabulous dates and glamorous parties. Sneaking out to buy ice cream at 7 pm trumps it all."

She glares at me, "Yeah right. You were just going to stay holed up in your room and read books all day."

I shrug, "Pah-tato, potato."

She looks at me like I'm truly hopeless and shakes her head, "What am I going to do with you?"

I grin, "As a start, treat me a huge delicious ice-cream. I didn't have time to bring money when you suddenly rang me up yelling 'Emergency! At my house! Now!'"

She rolls her eyes, "Well what was I going to say? It was an emergency! I had a sudden craving for ice cream!"

I shake my head at her like she's truly hopeless.

We enter a ice cream parlor close to her street so she can eat her stupid ice cream and leave fast so we won't get caught.

I was already on Mrs. Stone's bad side because of my report card, I don't want to make it personal. Everyone needs to have a good relation with their friends' mothers. No matter how much you dislike them internally.

We sit in a booth by the window and a waitress gives us our menus. Smiling at her I take them.

"Which one?" I ask in a bored voice but on the inside I was whooping.

I love ice-creams. Seriously, I love them so much that I'll probably trade my first born if I could get a delicious bucket of Ben N Jerry's.

But I'm not going to let her know that in case she makes it a daily routine to call me up every time she gets a craving like a pregnant woman.

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