Chapter 13 - Stay out of my life.

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They both just stared at me.

Once again my stupid mouth has made an appearance.

No backing down now I guess.

So holding my chin up, I clear my throat.

"Like I said, I wanted to hear the mosquitoes sing."

"What?" Ryder asks bewildered not believing what he's hearing.

Well, I wouldn't have either if I wasn't the one talking.

"What? A girl can't hear a song without being judged?" I glare at him in an attempt to cover up my embarrassment.

"Let me get this clear," he slowly asks as if registering the words in his brain, "You are here, at midnight, in a different town, to hear the mosquitoes?" he glances at Alexis as if she'll offer him a reasonable explanation.

Alexis doesn't even hesitate for one second as she points towards me, "She made me do it!"

Oh, you sneaky bitch!

"Sure, that explains it all," he says sarcastically as his eyes return to me. He stares at me for a few moment before his lips slowly begin to quirk upwards.

"God," he chuckles, "You're so weird."

My heart thuds painfully as I register the melodious sound of his laughter. I like it so much better than his growl.

And knowing I caused that laugh, makes my heart go into overdrive.

I shrug, "What can I say? It's a natural talent."

"Uh..." Its then I remember Andrew's here too, "You were actually here listening to mosquitoes?"

"I wanted to see which one sang the best so I could take it as a pet," I blurt out.


"Huh," he looks at me with disbelief written across his face, "That story's so unbelievable that I actually might believe it."

Alexis clears her throat getting our attention, "So...we should get home? It's getting late."

I don't back down from throwing her a glare for her betrayal.

I thought we were supposed to be stalker buddies! What happened to our code of not ranting each other out? Huh?

Granted we didn't have a code but still!

She mouths me an 'Oops?'

Seriously? Oops?

"We'll take you home," Ryder interjects.

I snap my head towards him, "What?"

He shrugs like its no big deal, "We'll take you home. Since you know? It's midnight and it's not safe."

I opened my mouth to argue that we are no damsels in distress and can obviously take care of ourselves but he beat me to it by rolling his eyes, "I know what you're going to say but please shut up and listen for one moment?"

His pleading green eyes compel me to nod.

He sighs, "Thank you. And seriously its not safe. This neighbourhood is really dangerous."

Really? I didn't notice at all.

The things I saw here claw at my mind. But I don't know if I should ask him or not.

What was it?

Who were they?

What did the girl, Celia, mean?

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