Chapter 1

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An intruder? I don't hear any guns.

I slowly reach my hand out in front of me, passing it through the air until it reaches the wall. I use it to carefully guide myself up to my feet, carpet soft under my bare feet.

Closet. I'm being kept in a closet downstairs. If there's an intruder, my guards might be distracted. If not, the worse that happens is I get beat.

I gingerly creep towards the door, my hand landing on the knob. I exit with no problem, I hear shouting and guns, but they're soon silenced. As I carefully slip my foot out, it connects with an unmoving body.


I bend over and pat the body, working my hands up the the middle-aged man's face. I lightly press my thumbs against his closed eyes.

He was killed by... it wasn't someone with a gun. They're moving too fast. It's a Demon. Contracted? Must be. They're dressed like a butler. They're wearing gloves, and they're much too tall for me to reach their eyes.

"Damn." I mutter.

I sift through the memories, quickly trying to scan them before they disappear all together.

If I'm careful, I should be able to reach the exit before the Mafia or Demon can interfere. He's been dead approximately seven minutes, I probably only have a few more minutes.

I stand, holding onto the door frame as I step out to what should be a large dining room with a balcony surrounding it on the second floor.

Stairs to the right, exit to the left.

I slowly work through the foyer, my feet slowly tapping in front of me before I take full steps.

"I sense another presence." I hear a smooth male voice announce, nearing as it speaks.

The Demon.

"Fuck." I whine as I begin speeding up, my steps turning into a jog until I trip on another body. "Shit." I hiss, beginning to pat the ground as I shakily rise to my feet. "Now, that language isn't very ladylike." The male voice reprimands, suddenly beside me. I hold my breath and I'm slowly lifted up to my feet. I tug at the gloves of the Demon. "What are you...?" I hear a young male voice asks, walking over beside the Demon.

The Contractor.

My fingers slip under the glove of the Demon.

A Demon is technically reborn every time they conduct a contract. I'll only be able to view his memories from this contracting unless I force myself past the barrier, but then he'd see the memories and probably try to kill me.

"Sebastian Michaelis. Age: undisclosed. Named after contractor's dead dog, servant to the Queen's guard dog: Ciel Phantomhive. Phantomhive's parents were murdered in a fire, he's supposedly heartless, murdering at the Queen's every whim. But despite that, he'll occasionally show compassion, most frequently to his fiancé: Elizabeth." I say aloud as the memories skim across my mind.

The memories continue to flow through my mind, becoming my own memories. I come to know Ciel's personality and those of his four servants: Finny, Baldroy, Tanaka, and Mey-Rin. Eventually my scan meets the most recent memories, and for the first time, I see myself.

I have white hair.

That's what they meant by odd looks.

My eyes are fogged over, dark irises hidden beneath the fog. My skin is an olive color, my two front teeth containing a small gap between each one. My lips are full and freckles dot my cheeks and nose. I wear a white blouse and brown pants that reach my mid-calf, my feet are bare.

I pull my hand away from Sebastian's and slowly feel out for Ciel. My hands land on his face and I slowly pat his features. I feel injuries, some blood on his face and a scratch on his cheek. I run my fingers across his eye patch, from what I know, his Contract Seal is on his covered eye. "Sebastian, what's going on?" Ciel growls, his face contorting under my touch into a scowl.

"Interesting... It's been quite a while since I've run into your kind." Sebastian remarks, a smirk evident in his tone. "We are of a rare sort, only one allowed alive at a time." I respond, my voice disinterested. I slip my thumb under Ciel's eye patch and rest my other thumb against his closed eye.

"Master, she's a Seer. By resting her thumbs against eyes or palms she can see all the memories that the person possesses, thereby learning all their secrets. Her kind is cursed to only seeing through other's eyes and she must endure all the physical pain contained in memories." Sebastian explicates. As I scan over Ciel's memories, I feel my right eye begin to burn, and the feeling of being branded on my side. I feel whips, starvation, kicks, and exposed. I simply wince, biting on my lip and forcing myself silent as I've felt much worse. My habit of reading the memories aloud cut short by the pain.

Compared to having a limb severed, having the lower half of my body removed, being shot in the head, and being burned alive, my pain tolerance has built over the few years I've been with the Mafia. Ciel is my age, being only thirteen.

"My name is Aylin. I'm unaware of my surname as my parents abandoned me due to my blindness. I was raised in an orphanage. Lower branches of the mafia had kidnapped me, originally they had planned to sell me, but they discovered my abilities and used me to blackmail nobles." I tell Ciel, retracting my hands from his face. "I believe I could be of help to you, Lord Phantomhive." I suggest. "Your line of work entertains me, and I can assist you whenever you see fit." I elaborate, already knowing Ciel well enough to be aware of his answer.

"I'm sure Queen will be ecstatic to have a new pawn." Ciel agrees, his tone containing a knowing victory.

"Sebastian, take us back to the manner."

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