Chapter 20

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Ciel's birthday passed, but Elizabeth took it upon herself to throw Ciel a birthday party. I stayed away, the festivities rather bothersome.

Today, we have a new case, a new letter. It's a series of murders.

"I see, so all the victims had just come back from India." Ciel remarks. "Ciel!" Abberline's voice exclaims. "Aylin, the bodies are hanging in front of you." Ciel tells me. I nod, carefully walking forward, feeling through the air with my hand. My hand is met with a face. I lean my cane against my hip and use my hand to scan the victim's face. I place my thumbs over his eyes. I shake my head, "He's been dead too long." I tell Ciel, grabbing my cane and walking back to where they stand.

"Aylin, you remember Detective Abberline." Ciel remarks. I plaster on a smile, "Of course." I reach my hand out to shake Abberline's hand. My hand is met with a glove and I feel my expression crumple up. I continue to grip Abberline's hand lightly, feeling about his hand. "Could you take your glove off?" I inquire. "Oh.. Sure." Abberline's agrees, taking off the glove and once again returning his hand to my grip. I place my hand on his thumb and flip through the memories regarding this case, but I also come across Abberline's investigating Ciel's past. I let out a small huff and release his hand. "Nice to see you again, Detective Abberline."

•   •   •

"He's investigating you." I inform Ciel as we walk down what sounds like an empty street. It's supposedly where many of the Indian immigrants reside. "Abberline?" Ciel asks. I nod, "He's going through files. Keeps claiming you're just a kid." I tell him, practically able to hear the scowl that must be forming on Ciel's features.

"Tsk. That man is becoming a real thorn in my side." Ciel grumbles.

I chuckle, "Please, as if that halfwit will be able to figure anything out." I argue. "That's just it. He is a halfwit, it means he'll act in ways that disrupt my investigations without a second thought." Ciel points out, to which I shrug.

I tap my cane back and forth in front of me, soon hearing Ciel and Sebastian's steps cease. I stop too. "What is it?" I question quickly, reaching out my cane to feel along the uneven ground.

"What's a rich British brat doing on this side of London?" I here a man's voice sneer. Suddenly I'm shoved. My eyes widen and I stumble but I instantly widen my stance and draw my cane, ready to swing it with a scowl harsh on my features.

"What's going on over here?" A new voice intervenes, their accent prominent. "She's going to hurt someone, Agni, detain her." The voice orders. "But do be gentle, she seems blind." The voice adds, to which I smirk and scoff. Within an instant, my hands are held behind my back, I tear my arms away, the man clearly caught off guard as he didn't expect me to fight back. I yank his hand back into my grip and press my thumb to his bare palm. This time, I transfer memories of pain, specifically Madame Red's gruesome death. The man begins to shout and he crumples to the ground. "Agni!" The voice from earlier calls in fear. I release his hand, "Do not touch me." I growl.

"We didn't do shit, so you're going to leave us alone, and let us get what we came for!" I bark. I slide my feet across the ground in search of my cane and pick it up once my foot brushes it. I walk back over to Ciel and we stand still for a few seconds. "Are you waiting for an invitation, Pretty Boy?" I hiss at Ciel. Ciel scoffs and begins walking. I grab Sebastian's sleeve and follow curtly.


So much for once a week, huh?
I'm so sorry, I always push off updating. And I know this chapter is especially short.
I'm currently traveling and don't have access to Black Butler.
This is where my memory fails me and I won't be able to write more for about a month.
I understand if you no longer want to read a story that takes so long to update, but thank you for reading this far.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2017 ⏰

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