Chapter 17

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Where are they?.. I- I'll never find them. I want to show them... Show them that I wasn't weak.. A pitiful revenge before I turn them into nothing more than empty bodies. That's what I want. How can I find them..? How can I?

• • •

"So, that's how the ring comes into play with the kidnappings." Ciel remarks, his eyes carefully reading over the Queen's concerns. "It's sent to each victim, and then they disappear." Ciel announces. "And, one more piece of information, Young Master." Sebastian begins, Ciel looking up at the butler whom stands on the other side of his desk.

"Miss Aylin seems to have disappeared."

Ciel's demeanor remains unchanged before he sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "You know what to do about the case. You have three hours, question those who knew the victims, find suspects, names, addresses, check alibis, and then I want you to search the last places those girls were seen. If Aylin's disappearance is related to the kidnappings, then I'll bother looking into it." Ciel commands dismissively. Sebastian's lips twitch into a small smile before he bows, hand held over his heart, "Yes, my Lord." And with that, the man is off.

•   •   •

The three hours soon come to pass, the insistent ticking of a clock reminder of every second past until the butler's return.

"Most turn up missing in, or around, Islington. Those having reported seeing the victims before their disappearance noted that they seemed very distracted and distant before they wandered off on their own accord and never returned." Sebastian explicates. "Suspects?" Ciel inquires, leaning forward, his head resting on intertwined fingers. "Those connected to the crimes all have alibis, having been in a crowd where multiple people could account for their whereabouts. Other than that, there doesn't seem to be any one person persistent in more than even one of the kidnappings." Sebastian elaborates, making Ciel's brow pull together in agitation. "Is there a possibility Aylin is somehow tied into this?" Ciel questions, his annoyance and interest both piqued.

"Finny accounts for seeing Miss Aylin stumbling through the halls all but a few hours ago, an object glowing blue on her thumb." Sebastian reveals, making Ciel's eyes light up with realization. "The ring." Ciel states, rising to his feet. Sebastian smirks, nodding in approval.

"Come, there must someone who saw her if the perpetrator truly draws his victims out. It's hard to forget a blind girl with white hair."

•   •   •

Why.. Why the hell are my legs so cold? Last time I checked, warm blood is supposed to run through my veins.

My fingers move stiffly, my joints feeling constricted as all the strength I can muster is put to moving my fingers.

Last I remember, that jackass was strangling me.

I feel my leg beneath my loose fitting pants. Patting my legs with my fingers, the once soft flesh is replaced with something hard that I can make no impression on. My breathing chokes up in my throat as I instantly grip my leg, attempting to dig my nails into myself only to fail. My eye lids pull apart, my breathing becoming harsher. My hands meet, finding the same hard but delicate material.


"H-How..?" I manage to squeak out, my voice sounding softer than usual. I raise my hands to my face next, feeling the glass-like material harshly outline my exact features. As I move my jaw about, the porcelain managed to mold to my movements.

"A lovely doll. Master will be very pleased with you, indeed. But it seems I will have to be more cautious with your treatment. One wrong move... and you'll break."

•   •   •

Ciel walks about the streets of Islington, Pluto in human form at his side. The night is eerily calm, no people daring to exit their homes.

"You're a dog, aren't you?" Ciel asks rhetorically, pulling a piece of white fabric from his pocket. He had ripped the fabric from Aylin's pillow case, hoping it could give some direction to find the culprit quicker. He lets the fabric roll out in front of Pluto who sniffs it curiously. Recognizing the scent, Pluto perks up, gushing. He instantly begins scrambling after an invisible trail, dragging along a cursing and fuming Ciel.

Ciel manages to drag Pluto to a stop, lodging the heels of his shoes in between to chunks of cobble stone.

"You moronic mutt! Don't start rutting about now!" Ciel strains, watching as a dog passes in Pluto's attention, occupying his full attention.

"Oh, my! A gentleman in a rut? My heart is fluttering!" A familiar voice proclaims, standing proud among the roofs on London.

"I am a hunter of love! My heart is set ablaze seeing the studly prey before me!" They continue to recite. Ciel's eyes widen as he recognizes the color the person is dawned in. Red, from every last hair to every last piece of fabric.

The Grim Reaper, Grell Sutcliff.


I'm sorry for the slow updates. I've had to do a writing project so most of my creative energy is centered on that. I'll try to update this story once a week at the very least. My sincere apologies, I know what it's like to wait for a new chapter of a story and it sucks! I'll try to keep on top of it!

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