Chapter 10

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"Resort! Resort! We're so happy!" The other Servants sing, making my scowl deepen as I attempt to rip my ears off.

Their company can be a sort of security, but right now it just makes me give off a murderous aura. I even consider having Finny hit me over the head with my own cane. Luckily, they shut up a moment later. Something about dog skulls, as Finny informs me before continuing to scream.

"There's something I forgot to tell you: This is the planned construction site for the health resort." Ciel announces from his carriage, which is separate from ours. I burst out laughing while the others let their disappointment sink into the atmosphere. "You have a mean sense of humor, Aylin." Finny grumbles, pouting beside me, making me laugh again. "The word you're looking for is 'Sadistic'." I chuckle out, calming myself.

•   •   •

After Finny flipped over a baby, which to my knowledge wasn't actually a baby, the others become rather wary. But it's washed away when Baldroy announces that the place is beginning to look more like a resort. In response, I grab Finny's hand and work to look through his eyes, seeing a sparkling blue lake surrounded by a rather dreary town. I release Finny's hand and my face scrunches up slightly.

I already don't like this place.

After a bit longer, our carriage slows, coming to a complete stop. I hear a feminine voice greet Sebastian and Ciel.

Mey-Rin lets out a small breath, "She's beautiful, yes!" Mey-Rin remarks quietly. Ciel and Sebastian are guided inside while Mey-Rin helps me off the carriage. Baldroy begins unloading the luggage, handing me a box and bag which will be easy to carry.

"Oi! Finny! Stop daydreaming and start helping with the luggage!" Baldroy barks, Mey-Rin leading me around the side of the estate to the Servant's quarters. "There are stairs, there are!" Mey-Rin informs me before I hear her footsteps recede. The sound of luggage crashing onto the ground rings before Mey-Rin comes running back. The items I carry are whisked from my hands, and once again Mey-Rin walks away. Grabbing my cane which I had tucked in my underarm, I sweep it across the ground in front of me and reach the door which is propped open. I carefully climb down the steps, the action taking me shorter than usual. "Thank you, Mey-Rin." I say, bowing my head slightly. "It's no problem, it is!"

• • •

"And how exactly am I supposed to get my hands on a Lord who practically considers himself a God among men?" I inquire to Ciel, who sits across from me in his borrowed room of the Barrymore "castle".

"From what I've seen, he isn't the type to soften at the, 'blind servant girl' act." I continue, leaning my head against my hand in the plump and comfy chair. The gears in my head beginning working double time, running through theories which I could gladly try. One in particular resonates with me. My brows pull together; I can tell Ciel is about to speak.

"Shut up." I say, sitting up as I consider it. "Sebastian, take your gloves off. Lord Phantomhive, place your thumbs on his palms." I command. I hear Ciel scoff in anger, "And why should I take orders from you?" Ciel questions cooly. "Because I said to. Now, do it and get it over with." I growl. "Tch." Is all Ciel offers in response. "Hold it for a few seconds, then let me see your hands, Lord Phantomhive." I request, but it clearly comes off as an order. I lean forward, resting my hands in the air. Ciel places his hands in mine and I quickly snap to his more recent memories. I stop at where he presses his thumbs in Sebastian's palm.

My own brows pull together in focus, forcing myself deep into the memory. I make myself feel Ciel's thumbs pressing on Sebastian. My head is thrown back.

I'm able to see Sebastian's memories through Ciel's. I hold it for barely a moment before I'm forced out, pain gripping at my head. I feel something trickle from my nose and remove my hands from Ciel's. "Your nose is bleeding."

"No shit, Sherlock!" I bark back, my voice failing me and becoming weak. I quickly become severely light-headed and I scowl, anger building due to my own human limits. "Did your thumb ever come into contact with Lord Barrymore's palm?" I inquire as more blood rushes from my nose, Sebastian handing me a cloth and allowing me to wipe away the blood. "I didn't even shake hands with him." Ciel replies. I scowl, "Well, next time you see him, find some excuse to place your thumb on his palm. I should be able to access his memories through yours." I explicate, slowly pushing myself to my feet. My legs give way beneath me and Sebastian catches me. I grab my cane and shove Sebastian away, "I'm capable of walking on my own!" I snap, leaning against my cane as I become dizzy from standing. I let out a breath before walking away, my steps hesitant and requiring effort.

I reach the steps to go downstairs and I collapse on them, resting on the top step. I lean my head back and press the cloth to my nose, taking deep breaths. This would happen often when I was younger, my abilities taking effort. But I abused my ability until it functioned the way I wanted it to. I stopped showing other people their memories unless I wanted them to see it, I made it so I could look into people's memories without them noticing and without causing mental strain for myself. Eventually I'll be able to use this ability with no issues as well, it's just a matter of conditioning.

My nose stops bleeding soon after, but my headache only just begins to fade after what must be half an hour. I sigh, pulling on the railing and helping myself up.

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