Chapter 15

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After the photo incident, and the gears in my mind begin turning with the slightest thought.

He wouldn't even allow a second of hesitation, meaning he didn't even want the servants to see. But he also didn't want Ciel to see, which is an especially interesting action in its own right. Had it been any normal person, surely he would have no problem with them seeing a face they couldn't put a name to... Unless it's someone easily recognized. Someone even the servants would know the face of with their limited knowledge... So few options, yet such seemingly impossible answers.

I grin widely, feeling the maliciousness seeping into it.

How interesting.

•   •   •

It was interesting, but I decided against voicing my thoughts. There's no telling what extent Sebastian would be willing to go in order to silence me. Naturally, I wish I could scream it from the rooftops, or at least discuss it with Ciel since he could probably figure it out quickly.

Sebastian has been cautious as of late, never letting my hands wander to his. If he's to guide me somewhere, I hold his forearm or I'm carried.

• • •

"What kind-.. of dumbass.. decides to have a market-... on ice?!" I hiss as I attempt to keep my balance, slipping back and forth. I hear Ciel scoff, "Would you stop your complaining?" Ciel shoots at me. My face contorts to a scowl, "Believe it or not, being blind and walking on literal ice don't go well together, you fuck face." I spit in response. "Besides, you're the one who brought me here! You should have been prepared to deal with complaining!" I add, gripping tightly onto the side of a booth. "Brat." I here Ciel huff. "Could be worse, I could be you." I retort. "Mumbling doesn't work with those who only have their hearing, Mr. Phantomhive." I point out with a smirk.

"Anyway, what is it that we're doing here exactly?" I pipe up, pulling myself along the side of the booth.

"Shopping." I hear the shrug in his tone. My face falls flat and I bare my teeth in annoyance, "Lovely! I'm glad you've brought me along on your little shopping spree!" I spit sarcastically. Naturally, my arguments are ignored. So I take to holding the tail of Sebastian's coat and allowing him to drag me about as it's preferable to fumbling until I break a tooth against the ice.

We come to a stop in front of a man who shouts too enthusiastically for my liking. "Roll up, roll up! I'm sellin' these cheap enough to blow Jack Frost away! Why not buy one for Christmas?" The man barks, making me feel as though my eyes may roll into the back of my skull. I hear Ciel scoff in amusement, "Those are all inferior goods." Ciel remarks to Sebastian. "If the river freezes up again next year, Funtom could set up shop." Ciel suggests. "For example, that's-" Before Ciel can finish his statement, the man begins speaking over him.

"Ah, hello there, my noble lad! You must have a good eye! That's a fine piece from Funtom Workshop..." I begin zoning out and tug on Sebastian's tail coat. "Yes, Miss Aylin?" Sebastian inquires. "The hell are they talking about?" I question in response. "A toy version of Noah's Ark." Sebastian clarifies. "Oh." I realize, letting out a huff of disinterested air. As I tune back in, Ciel is speaking.

"A blatant fake one, you mean. The Funtom Arks are rare- only three sets were ever made, by an artist my predecessors patronized who used the finest technology. Since our mansion burned down, even we no longer have one. They certainly wouldn't turn up here." Ciel explicated, his tone taking on a darker hue. "You just love bringing up that you were traumatized as a kid, don't cha?" I groan in annoyance. "Is it so hard to say: 'A blatantly fake one. Only three were ever made, and it certainly wouldn't show up here.'" I mock, using a high pitched voice.

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