Chapter 5

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A knock rings on my door, notifying me that it's time to leave. I slip off my bed, my cane guiding me to the door. I exit my room, swaying my hand about before it lands on the familiar fabric of Sebastian's coat.

"It's time to go, Miss Aylin." Sebastian announces politely. I nod before Sebastian picks me up and begins walking. "When we get to London, I'll be getting you a new change of clothes along with shoes." Sebastian tells me. "Please get me something like what I wear now, if I get anything like what Mey-Rin wears, I won't be able to put it on without help." I request, "As for shoes, please, nothing with heels." I conclude as Sebastian exits the house. I assume he's taken the back exit as I don't feel him walk down the stairs at the front of the manor. "I'll see what I can do." Sebastian agrees as he sets me down in the carriage.

My fingers fiddle with the fabric of the seat, the felt soft against my hand. I set my cane in my lap, hearing Ciel shift in the seat across from me before the carriage begins moving forward.

"Not one for conversion, Lord Phantomhive?" I inquire, a slight smugness to my tone. "Tch." Ciel grunts in response.

"Lady Lizzie showed me great hospitality yesterday... She didn't even force me into a dress." I remark rather happily. My small smile then falls, replaced with a blank slate. "But I have to sympathize with the poor girl. After all, her fiancé has sold his soul and probably won't live to see past twenty." I go on, my tone dark. "I suppose it's too late to help the situation now, though. So Lizzie will continue to fall for you, until what was left of her precious second family is gone without a trace." I hypothesize, crossing my legs and letting my cane lean against the carriage seats.

"I apologize if I've stepped out of line." I insist after a moment of silence, lightly bowing my head.

Ciel scoffs, "You really are an interesting one." Ciel comments, a smirk evident in his tone. I nod, "And you a perplexing one, Lord Phantomhive."

•   •   •

Upon our arrival, Sebastian guided us into the house before disappearing to get my new clothes. I gingerly follow behind Ciel as he walks up stairs, my feet gradually becoming used to climbing steps. Once we reach the second floor, Ciel begins mumbling about finally getting peace and quiet, that is, until he enters a study and finds... what I assume to be people.

I soon recognize the voices of Madame Red and Lau, Ciel showing no signs of faltering around the Madame. I smirk approvingly.

"Ciel, who is this young.. Lady?" Madame Red questions, her tone disapproving of the way I must look.

Before Ciel can answer, I speak, "Aylin. Abandoned at birth due to my blindness." I respond flatly, my voice void of emotion.  "I'm a new servant for the Phantomhive Manor, I'm here to help with this case. Please excuse my appearance, Madame, but I have not been allowed a change of clothes until joining The Estate." I explicate, bowing my head.

"Oh, please, pardon my rudeness." Madame Red apologizes immediately. "Think nothing of it." I insist, my demeanor still that of a wall.

"Young master, please excuse the excessive time my arrival took." Sebastian suddenly mentions from behind me. "Aylin, your clothing is on the bed in the room two doors down this wall." Sebastian guides, grabbing my hand and placing it against the wall on the right side of the hall. I nod, "I'll be able to put the clothing on by myself, thank you Sebastian, Lord Phantomhive." I thank politely before heading off in the direction Sebastian told me to.

•   •   •

The clothes only took me a moment to figure out, Sebastian following my request of pants and shirts. Sebastian had told me before we entered this estate to bathe prior to changing, he even told me how to work a bath. For a Demon, the man surely is helpful. I guide myself to the bathroom, inside I pat out a sink, toilet, and tub. I find the plug and set it against the drain, my hands taking a few moments to find everything.

I twist on the faucet and wait until the bath is only half full. I lower myself into the water, grabbing a fresh bar of soap which had been waiting for me and scrubbing my whole body as I can't see where the dirt is most concentrated. I rinse my hair out, remembering that some of my hair had been tainted brown with dirt. I'm sure I've been a mess these past few days. Naturally, looks have never bothered me, so I couldn't care less of how others perceived me. I drain the tub and rinse my hair under the faucet once more, turning it off and stepping out of the tub, grabbing the towel which is hanging on a rack just on the wall. I dry myself before twisting my hair into the towel and grabbing my cane, walking back into the bedroom.

I slip into all my clothing, unraveling my hair to fit the shirt over my head. The sleeves only reach my mid-forearm, my pants now holding tighter to my skin. However, the clothes is comfortable; the fabric soft and cool.

I exit the room and guide myself back to the office to find it silent.

"Lord Phantomhive?" I question aloud. "What?" Ciel's cold voice responds. "What is our course of action for now?" I query, my head tilting. "Business as usual. We know nothing." Ciel commands, to which I nod, "Of course." I agree walking back to my room. Before I can reach my room, I run into a chest, "Sorry." I mutter an apology. "No need to apologize, Aylin." Grell's voice almost hisses.

"I take you've told the Queen's little dog?" Grell growls. I scoff, "Please, that child wouldn't know what to do anyway. I'm using him for his money, and once I'm satisfied with what I've gained, I'll be gone." I fabricate expertly, the words sounding true even to my own ears. "I don't plan to risk my life against a being I'm inferior to." I insist, pressing past Grell and entering my room.

Once I'm in my room, a smirk breaks onto my face, victorious and just dripping with pride.

What a fun game...

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