Chapter 18

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Ciel's face hardens, a scowl edged onto his face.

"I spy a gorgeous man!" Grell's gaze lands on Pluto, the mutt less than interested in the Reaper so far from his reach.

"You're..!" Ciel trails off, Grell deciding to finish for him. "I'm a more deadly efficient butler than I look!" Grell cheers, sticking out her tongue before hopping down from the roof. "Though I'm currently without a master... After the Madame Red incident, I was temporarily demoted. Now I'm a lowly assistant." Grell grumbles, whining like a child. "That brute Will told me he won't give me my old post back until I collect some truly troublesome souls! That rotten sadist!" Grell continues to complain. "Though its true that food tastes better when it's a little rotten.. And those cold eyes do give me a thrill!" Grell's mood swings as she gushes over the thought, leaving Ciel disgusted.

"But this boy's roughness is very nice, too.." Grell remarks, her gaze landing upon Pluto. Ciel scowls, an angry 'tsk' slipping past his lips.

"Dear me, were you planning to avenge your beloved aunt?" Grell inquires, her tone teasing.

"Shut up." Ciel spits.

"I don't see Sebas-Chan here. What can a little brat like you do?" Grell retorts.

"Shut up!" Ciel barks again, his face angering as he stares down the reaper. Pluto follows Ciel, baring his teeth and growling at Grell.

"Oh, is he your knight tonight?" Grell realizes. "Why does this nipper get all the good-looking men?" She questions rhetorically.

Pluto then pounces, beginning to dart in Grell's direction. "Oh my, he's going to attack!" Grell extols, blushing eagerly. Grell opens her arms, only to have the mutt dart just past her, once again running after the invisible trail of Aylin's scent. Ciel chases after Pluto, leaving a fuming Grell behind.

Ciel follows as best he can, running down more empty streets, passing alleys and running through some in an attempt to keep up with the fast running Pluto.

Eventually, he catches up to Pluto, finding him running down another back alleyway.

A store is lit at the end of the alley, and in its window sits a doll. A doll with white hair, foggy eyes, full lips, and freckles decorating it's cheeks. A doll of Aylin.

Before Ciel can run to the store, Grell takes to reading from his To-Die list.

"Number 493: butler and puppeteer to the house of Mandalay, Drossel Keinz." Grell reads, her voice eerily threatening as she does. Pluto then smashes through the window of the store, making Ciel begin running to the shop, Grell following.

The two enter the store to find Pluto gnawing on the doll of Aylin, and resting beside him, Aylin's cane which is broken in two pieces. Ciel crouches and Pluto runs over, placing the doll in Ciel's arms.

"This is Aylin.." Ciel mumbles, studying the features once again. Ciel's eyes are then captured by a shattered Hope Diamond that lays splayed on the ground. He pockets the ring, some remanence still held together. Ciel scans the shop once more, his eyes gracing an open door on the other side of the store. Ciel stands upright, walking through the small hall to be led out back.

A large castle stands, proud in the darkness that makes it appear haunted.

The culprit must be in that mansion.

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