Chapter 6

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In order to keep Madame Red and Grell to keep from getting suspicious, Ciel conducts his investigation as per usual. Even going to the crime scene and afterwards speaking with someone known as, "the Undertaker", whom I vaguely remember from Ciel's memories.

Grell's aggression towards me cools, telling me she believes my prior words of having kept my mouth shut. Yet I crave to push her scales, hinting along that I have told Ciel everything so that when it's revealed, I can feel even more victorious. Nothing is more satisfying than dangling an answer in front of someone's face and listening to their struggle, only for them to discover you were the one pulling the strings.

I did so once, when comparing the beautiful red Madame must wear to what I supposedly imagine the victims coated in blood must look like. Of course, I've already seen the bodies in the memories of a man named Abberline. The grotesque scene making me smile sadistically as I admired the work Madame Red and Grell managed to pull off. After all, I've been on the receiving end of such crimes, and I must say: it's much nicer to be an observer.

Now, we ride back to the estate, Sebastian having just hopped out the door to fetch a suspect list.

"Aylin, did you get a good look at the victim?" Ciel suddenly brings up, making the atmosphere in the carriage shift. "Uh... Ciel..." Madame Red begins, sounding confused and concerned. "Of course. The scene was covered in blood, but it's like the Undertaker said, the cuts about the womb were smooth and precise. But it was odd, the woman had red accessories, just like some of the other bodies. Red painted nails and smudged blood red lips." I point out, "But it's possible I'm mixing up blood for decor." I add, a small lie which Ciel should pick up on. I can practically feel Ciel's smirk as I sit across from him, myself positioned by Madame Red.

"But- but... We didn't even get access to the scene, and she's blind!" Madame Red exclaims, pretending to be amazed though I pick up on the fear hidden within her speech.

"It's best not to question it, Madame Red. Her strange gift, though indescribable, is always somehow correct." Ciel lies. My gift is easy to believe, especially for someone working with a Grim Reaper. Not to mention the simplicity in its description. "Pardon me, Madame Red, but I have not felt your facial features. Would you mind if I did?" I inquire, my tone of voice shifting to one of an innocent girl. I hear Madame Red sigh, a small chuckle escaping her, "Of course not." She answers. I nod and bring my hands to her face, gliding them along her cheeks before landing my thumbs upon her eyes.

Oh, a sad one, seemingly almost built for sympathy. But I find it hard to sympathize with a serial killer. If she wants a child so badly, surely any one of the poor hopeless, homeless, children would be more then glad to have her as a mother.

I pull my hands away from her face and let a smile break onto my face, "You seem beautiful." I tell Madame Red before turning to face forward.

•   •   •

Viscount Druitt?

"He fits all the criteria: he has a medical degree, no alibi, and is rumored to be involved with a cult." Sebastian explains as we all walk up the stairs, myself falling behind, joining the others a few moments later in Ciel's office.

"Well, I have always wanted a niece!" Madame Red exclaims as I enter and stand by the door. "Absolutely not!" Ciel barks in response. "You will not be dressing me as a girl!" Ciel growls. Silence passes for a few moments, "After all, Aylin can do it." Ciel suddenly announces smugly. My brows crease, "Do what?" I question, my voice accusing. "Lure out the Viscount with feminine charm, of course." Ciel states smugly, making me fume. "Please, tell me how you'd find me, because unlike you, I don't have a seal!" I argue fiercely, the others unsure of what I refer to. "And feminine charm my ass,I have about as much feminine charm as a pile of shit." I spit, a scowl prominent of my face.

"Then I suppose we'll have to fix that, unless you'd prefer to make your move now." Ciel suggests, pride still in his tone.

This child...

Making any sort of move now would be beyond idiotic. Grell would know I told Ciel and lied, she'd target me first and I'd be dead in seconds. "I would like to make it abundantly clear: my answer is no. I will not be subjected to your stupid little games. I could walk out of this house right now for all I care, go back to wandering the streets until I starve. I will not go through training to become a perfectly mannered pampered little princess only for you to get a laugh from it." I drone, making the room fall into uncomfortably silence. Ciel sighs, "I suppose I tried. I have to condemn you, Aylin. You put up quite a fight for someone who is usually quiet." Ciel remarks. I nod, "I'll come back at a later time to discuss details." I tell Ciel, taking my leave to the bedroom.

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