Can't Even Think Straight Prompts

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Prompt: Evan gets really sick and Sebastian takes care of him.

A.N.- Oh my lanta, I am so sorry if this sucks. I literally wrote it right when I got out of bed this morning XD


                “Evan, are you sure you feel alright?” I asked him nervously.

                Evan nodded. “I’m fine,” he mumbled.

                But his face was alarmingly pale, and I could see sweat beading at his hairline. He wasn’t acting like his usual self. He was quiet and a little disoriented.

                “Evan, I think you should go home,” I said, moving towards him as he began to sway on his feet.

                “No, m’fine,” he said before proceeding to fall forward.

                I leapt at him and managed to catch him. I touched my hand to his forehead and sighed at how hot he was.

                “I’m taking you home,” I said, slinging his arm around my shoulder and wrapping an arm around his waist. I supported him and basically dragged him out of my bedroom.

                “Sebastian? What happened? Is he okay?” my mom asked in concern as she spotted us.

                “He’s sick and I’m taking him home,” I said. “I’ll probably stay with him for a little while and take care of him. I think his parents have somewhere to be tonight, and I don’t want him to be alone.”

                “Yes, that’s a good idea. Don’t leave him alone. He looks very ill,” she said, frowning at Evan.

                “Bye mom,” I said, pulling Evan outside and carefully sitting him in my car. His head fell against the window of my car as I pulled out of the driveway.

                “Drive slower,” he groaned.

                “Okay, okay. Sorry,” I said, realizing he was probably nauseous.

                I pulled into his driveway and got out of the car, helping Evan out. I led him inside and his mom gasped when she saw him.

                “Evander Sudlow!” she said, hurrying over to him and feeling his forehead. “You frickin’ moron. I told you that you were too sick to go to Sebastian’s house!”

                “My Sebastian,” he growled, clinging to me.

                “Jared! We can’t go out tonight. Evan is way too sick to leave,” she called.

                Mr. Sudlow came out and frowned, also feeling Evan’s forehead. “You’re right. We can’t leave him like this.”

                “I’ll take care of him,” I said as he slumped against me. “Really, I was planning on hanging out with him tonight anyways, so it’s not like I had any plans. I don’t mind taking care of him while you’re out.”

                “Sebastian, we can’t do that to you. We don’t want you to get sick too,” Mr. Sudlow said with a frown.

                “It’s perfectly fine Mr. Sudlow,” I assured him.

                “Alright…but if you want to go home, or if he gets worse, please call us,” he said.

                “We really appreciate this,” Mrs. Sudlow said gratefully. She brushed Evan’s hair out of his eyes and sighed. “Evan, you better rest.”

                He grunted out a response and let his head fall against my shoulder. I laughed and shifted so that I was supporting him better.

                His parents thanked me about a million more times before leaving the house. I pulled Evan into his bedroom and gently laid him down on his bed, propping him up against his pillows.     

                I sat on the edge of his bed. “You’re sweating. Are you sure you want so many blankets?” I asked.

                “I’m cold,” he moaned, shivering and gathering his blankets around him.

                “I’m going to go get you some water,” I said and left his bedroom. I poured him a glass of water and went back into his room, tipping the glass into his mouth.

                “I’m dying,” he groaned.

                “I’d be sad if you did,” I said, kissing his cheek. “So please don’t.”

                I moved to get up, but Evan wrapped his arms around my waist. “Stay,” he said, his eyes closed.

                I offered him a small smile. I had never seen him so sick before. It’s like he just didn’t have it in him to be loud mouthed and idiotic.

                “Okay,” I said, lying down next to him and gently running my hand through his hair. “I’ll stay.”

                I knew he should take some medicine and try to eat a little something, but right now, I just wanted to lay here with him. I felt so bad for him.

                “Don’t leave me,” he mumbled, burying his head against my chest.

                “I promise I won’t,” I said and kissed his cheek. I needed to get him medicine but…That would have to wait for a few minutes. Right now, I was just content to lay here with him as he fell asleep. 

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