Chapter 1-Edited

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Chapter 1-Elizabeth's POV

I woke up this morning with the sun shining through the window and onto my face. It's a special day, but unlike most people, I'm not looking forward to it. Today is the day Zack comes back home.

I'm not looking forward to this because Zack is my mate, well technically my ex-mate. He rejected me when he found out that we were mates. Even though he has always been a jerk to me and he is the main person who torments me, I had hoped that maybe I would finally be happy and that the abuse would stop.

I was wrong.

In fact, the abuse has gotten worse. I guess it's a good thing I've never had any feelings for him, because I don't think I would be able to make it. I'm not gonna lie and say that the rejection didn't hurt at all, but it wasn't too bad. Also, my wolf is fine, unlike the other handful of werewolves who have been rejected.

I go through my daily routine of cleaning the pack house and doing everyone's chores. I also have to start getting everything ready for Zack's party since he is finally taking on his role of alpha of the Crescent Falls pack.

Once everything is ready, I start making dinner for the pack.

As I make dinner, I ask the questions that have haunted me my entire life. Why me? Why do my parents hate me? Why does my pack hate me? Why did I get rejected by my mate, the person who is supposed to love me unconditionally? Well, actually I'm not surprised that Zack Daniels, my ex-mate and soon-to-be alpha, rejected me. When we were growing up, he would always say that I would be rejected by my mate and that no one would ever love me.

I can't believe that when I was younger, I thought that mates were a good thing. I believed the lie that said mates would bring you nothing but happiness. I shouldn't be surprised because nothing in my life has been the way it should be.

My parents don't love me, but then again, I don't think they love anyone but themselves. My mate rejected me, and that's pretty much unheard of in the werewolf world. The only thing that is keeping me here is my older brother, Jake.

Jake has been taking care of me since we were little, and he has always treated me like an older brother should treat his younger sister. He is very protective of me, and he helps me out whenever he's not busy by sneaking me food and stopping people who try to bully me. I wish I could go live with him instead of in the pack house, but Zack has forbidden it. I still remember the time I tried to run away to Jake's house one night when I was younger and I was being bullied. The punishment that I received for it was one where I still have the scars to remember it by. Emotionally and physically.

The only other good thing about my life is my wolf, Annabel. She's like an older sister/mother/friend to me, and other than my brother, she's the only person, or wolf, that I talk to. I'm so glad I ended up with her as my wolf. I've heard stories where the human side and the wolf side can't stand each other, and it causes them to go insane, and then eventually die.

"Lizzy, you have to hurry up, someone is coming," Annabel says to me.

I finish everything I need to do right before I hear the commotion of a bunch of people as they enter the dining room. I see a group of people my age laughing together, and I feel a familiar sting in my heart because I know I will never be able to have that.

"What are you still doing in here?" Zack sneers at me.

"I was just making sure everything was set for your welcome home party," I mumble, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Well you should leave, you're making everyone uncomfortable," Zack says while glaring at me.

"Yes alpha," I say before basically running away.

I hear the sound of people laughing at me, but I'm honestly scared for my life. The last time I didn't leave the room fast enough, he almost beat me to death and my fellow pack members either joined in, or they just watched and laughed.

I quickly run to my "room" and close the door. My room is actually the attic, and my "bed" is just two sheets and a pillow. This has been where I've slept ever since I can remember. My parents didn't want me to sleep in the same house as them, and apparently there wasn't enough room at the pack house, so I got the attic.

I can hear loud music being played downstairs and I realize that the party has started. For safety measures, I lock my door, and put my dresser in front of it. I shudder as I remember how I almost got raped at one of the pack parties because I forgot to lock my door and barricade it.

I quickly change out of my worn clothes and start braiding my hair. Once that's done, I brush my teeth and I try to block out the sounds coming from downstairs.

I look out the small window in my room, and I see a shooting star. When I was younger, I used to wish that my life would get better, but I've given up on that because I know that that will never happen.

"Cheer up," Annabel says to me

"How am I supposed to 'cheer up' when my life has been bad since the day I was born?" Sometimes, I don't understand how she can be so positive all the time.

"You have reasons to be happy, and you will know them soon, child."

"Why can't I know now?" I ask.

She just chuckles before she goes back to the corner of my mind.

I know that my situation could be worse, but sometimes, I really feel like the moon goddess hates me.

"You know that's not true, Lizzy. The moon goddess loves all her children."

I don't even bother answering my wolf before I crawl into my "bed" and fall asleep.

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